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Applies to the shipment of infectious substances by air and is recognized in the United States and by most countries worldwide royal jelly impotence proven 60mg dapoxetine. A copy of these regulations can be obtained from the Internet websites. These regulations require documentation of personnel, facilities, justification of need and pre-approval of the transfer by a federal authority. The following regulations apply to this category: Importation of Etiologic Agents of Human Disease. Importation of Etiologic Agents of Livestock, Poultry and Other Animal Diseases and Other Materials Derived from Livestock, Poultry or Other Animal. Information may be obtained at (301) 734-5960, or from the Internet at. Completed permit applications may be submitted electronically through web01. Information can be obtained by calling (877) 770-5990 or through the Internet at. This regulation requires that exporters of a wide variety of etiologic agents of human, plant and animal diseases, including genetic material, and products which might be used for culture of large amounts of agents, will require an export license. Information may be obtained by calling the DoC Bureau of Export Administration at (202) 482-4811, or through the Internet at: bxa. Federal Plant Pest Regulations; General; Plant Pests; Soil; Stone and Quarry Products; Garbage. Information can be obtained by calling (301) 734-5960 or through the Internet at. The following is a summary of each packaging type and related transportation requirements. A Category A material is an infectious substance that is transported in a form that is capable of causing permanent disability or life-threatening or fatal disease to otherwise healthy humans or animals when exposure to it occurs. An exposure occurs when an infectious substance is released outside of its protective packaging, resulting in physical contact with humans or animals. The package consists of a watertight primary receptacle or receptacles; a watertight secondary packaging; for liquid materials, the secondary packaging must contain absorbent material in sufficient quantities to absorb the entire contents of all primary receptacles; and a rigid outer packaging of adequate strength for its capacity, mass, and intended use. The completed package must pass specific performance tests, including a drop test and a water-spray test, and must be capable of withstanding, without leakage, an internal pressure producing a pressure differential of not less than 95 kPa (0. The completed package must also be capable of withstanding, without leakage, temperatures in the range of -40 C to +55 C (-40 F to 131 F). In addition, the package must be accompanied by appropriate shipping documentation, including a shipping paper and emergency response information. A Category B infectious substance does not cause permanent disability or life-threatening or fatal disease to humans or animals when exposure to it occurs. Figure 2 shows an example of the triple packaging system for materials known or suspected of containing a Category B infectious substance. A Category B infectious substance must be placed in a packaging consisting of a leakproof primary receptacle, leakproof secondary packaging, and rigid outer packaging. The packaging must be of good quality and strong enough to withstand the shocks and loadings normally encountered during transportation. For liquid materials, the secondary packaging must contain absorbent material in sufficient quantities to absorb the entire contents of all primary receptacles. The primary or secondary packaging must be capable of withstanding, without leakage, an internal pressure producing a pressure differential of 95 kPa. The package must be constructed and closed to prevent any loss of contents that might be caused under normal transportation conditions by vibration or changes in temperature, humidity, or pressure. Risk management for agriculture research is based on the potential economic impact of animal and plant morbidity, and mortality, and the trade implications of disease. Worker protection is important but great emphasis is placed on reducing the risk of agent escape into the environment. This Appendix provides guidance and is not regulatory nor is it meant to describe policy. Personnel change and shower rooms that provide for the separation of laboratory clothing from animal facility clothing and that control access to the containment spaces. The facility is arranged so that personnel ingress and egress are only through a series of rooms consisting of: a ventilated vestibule with compressible gaskets on the two doors, a clean change room outside containment, a shower room at the non-containment/containment boundary, and a dirty change room within containment. Complete animal facility clothing (including undergarments, pants and shirts or jump suits, and shoes and gloves) is provided in the dirty change room, and put on by personnel before entering the research areas. Emergency exit doors are provided, but are locked on the outside against unauthorized use. The double doors of the autoclaves must be interlocked so that the outer door can be opened only after the completion of the sterilizing cycle, and to prevent the Appendix D simultaneous opening of both doors. All double door autoclaves are situated through an exterior wall of the containment area, with the autoclave unit forming an airtight seal with the barrier wall and the bulk of the autoclave situated outside the containment space so that autoclave maintenance can be performed conveniently. A gas sterilizer, a pass-through liquid dunk tank, or a cold gas decontamination chamber must be provided for the safe removal of materials and equipment that are steam or heat sensitive. The pressure differential display/gauge can be seen inside and outside of the containment space, and an alarm sounds when the preset pressure differential is not maintained. The air supply and exhaust systems must be interlocked to prevent reversal of the directional airflow and positive pressurization of containment spaces in the event of an exhaust system failure. Typically, a heat decontamination system is utilized in these facilities and equipment must be provided to process, heat and hold the contaminated liquid effluents to temperatures, pressures and times sufficient to inactivate all biohazardous materials that reasonably can be expected to be studied at the Appendix D facility in the future. The system may need to operate at a wide range of temperatures and holding times to process effluents economically and efficiently. Effluents from laboratory sinks, cabinets, floors and autoclave chambers are sterilized by heat treatment. Under certain conditions, liquid wastes from shower rooms and toilets may be decontaminated by chemical treatment systems. Redundancy and the use of multiple technologies need to be considered and evaluated. In these situations the facility no longer serves as the primary barrier as with the large animal rooms. The need for any potential agriculture enhancements is dependant upon a risk assessment. The facility is arranged so that personnel ingress and egress are only through a series of rooms (usually one series for men and one for women) consisting of: a ventilated vestibule with a clean change room outside containment, a shower room at the non-containment/containment boundary, and a dirty change room within containment. Complete laboratory clothing (including undergarments, pants and shirts or jump suits, and shoes and gloves) is provided in the dirty change room, and put on by personnel before entering the research areas. In some facilities, complete laboratory clothing and personal protective equipment are provided in the clean change room, where they can be stored and stowed for use without entry into containment. Personnel moving from one space within containment to another will follow the practices and procedures described in the biosafety manual specifically developed for the particular facility and adopted by the laboratory director. Double-door autoclaves engineered with bioseals are provided to decontaminate laboratory waste passing out of the containment area. The double doors of the autoclaves must be interlocked so that the outer door can be opened only after the completion of the sterilizing cycle, and to prevent the simultaneous opening of both doors. Dedicated, single pass, directional, and pressure gradient ventilation systems must be used. The directional airflow within the containment spaces moves from areas of least hazard potential toward areas of greatest hazard potential. Treatment requirement will be determined by a site-specific, agent-specific risk assessment. Facilities should be constructed with appropriate basements or piping tunnels to allow for inspection of plumbing systems, if a central liquid waste sterilization system is used. All walls are contiguous with the floor and ceiling, and all penetrations, of whatever type, are sealed. The virus will survive for 15 weeks o in putrefied blood, three hours at 50 C, 70 days in blood on wooden boards, 11 days in o feces held at room temperature, 18 months in pig blood held at 4 C, 150 days in boned o meat held at 39 F, and 140 days in salted dried hams. Viremias may last up to one month despite the rapid development of neutralizing antibodies. Occupational Infections Encephalitis and uveochorioretinitis were observed in four laboratory workers accidentally exposed to freeze-dried modified live vaccine preparations.
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Retain pathology specimen blocks for at least 2 years from the date of examination erectile dysfunction pump as seen on tv buy dapoxetine without a prescription. Preserve remnants of tissue for pathology examination until a diagnosis is made on the specimen. For example, tests or procedures for identifying Group A Streptococcus are categorized in Bacteriology. For example, the procedures to identify Mycobacteria are categorized in Mycobacteriology. For example, procedures to identify a parasite are categorized in the subspecialty of Parasitology; however, procedures to detect or identify an antibody to the parasite are categorized in the subspecialty of General Immunology. For example, tests or procedures to detect Herpes are categorized in the subspecialty of Virology. Tests or procedures to detect antibodies to Herpes are categorized in the subspecialty of General Immunology. Use D5200 when significant deficiencies are identified that have the potential to adversely affect patient testing, are systemic and pervasive throughout the laboratory, and are not limited to any one specialty or subspecialty. The requirements in this section address those general operational functions that are not specific to any one specialty or subspecialty. Are there safeguards in place to ensure confidentiality of patient information and test reports The laboratory must have a procedure to ensure that special handling of specimens is maintained throughout the testing process when necessary. Does the laboratory process patient specimens using separate (distinct) or unique identifiers in order to avoid mislabeling, specimen mix-ups, incorrect test request entry, and incorrect reporting of results How does the laboratory inform laboratory personnel of mechanisms to anonymously report complaints about laboratory quality to outside agencies. Does the laboratory have a mechanism to refer complaints or problems to its reference laboratory(s), or other offices or agencies, when appropriate If the laboratory does not receive the appropriate specimen or patient information needed to perform the tests, the laboratory should assess 149 whether the information that is currently being made available to authorized individuals concerning patient preparation and specimen handling requirements is adequate. These instances could be due to the lack of necessary patient information from the authorized person, improper specimen collection, improper handling and transport of the specimens to the laboratory, etc. If the appropriate specimen(s) and/or patient information needed to perform the requested tests is not being received by the laboratory, an assessment should be made to determine whether the information that is currently made available to authorized persons concerning patient preparation, specimen collection and handling requirements, is adequate. Cite deficiencies at this location when the laboratory has developed but is not following personnel competency policies and procedures. Competency assessment applies to all persons that perform patient testing and/or report patient test results, including but not limited to , technical and clinical consultants, technical supervisors, general supervisors and other laboratory staff. Note: If the laboratory director is the only individual testing and/or reporting test results, they must establish and document a minimal level of proficiency in order to ensure that they maintain the required competency for accurate and reliable testing and reporting. Competency Assessment Guidelines Technical consultant, clinical consultant, technical supervisor, general supervisor Documented competency assessment is required for the following named positions on the Form 209: technical consultant, clinical consultant, technical supervisor, general 150 supervisor. The laboratory must have policies and procedures to assess competency based on the position responsibilities listed in Subpart M and these assessments must be performed at a frequency determined by the laboratory. Use D5209 or appropriate Technical Consultant D-tag (D6046 through D6052) relating to competency assessment. If the laboratory uses non-testing personnel to perform preanalytic functions how does it ensure their competency If a laboratory utilizes a consultant, how does the laboratory determine if the consultant is competent Subpart I includes those specialties, subspecialties, analytes and tests that are considered regulated tests. For those tests not listed in subpart I (not regulated), the laboratory must verify the accuracy of the test or procedure twice annually, including the accuracy of calculated results, if applicable. This correction process involves identification and resolution of the problem, and development of policies that will prevent recurrence. All pertinent laboratory staff must be involved in the assessment process through discussions or active participation. The laboratory must have documentation that the complaint was investigated and appropriate action taken to correct the problem. Verify that the laboratory has a system in place for monitoring and evaluating confidentiality of patient information. How does the laboratory determine which complaints require investigation and which do not How does the laboratory identify and document potential communication problems and any corrective actions that are taken. The preanalytic systems requirements fall into three distinct standards: test requests; specimen submission, handling, and referral; and preanalytic systems quality assessment. Significant deficiencies cited under this condition may indicate deficiencies under personnel responsibilities. Use D5300 when deficiencies are identified that have the potential to , or are adversely affecting patient testing, or when they are systemic and pervasive throughout the laboratory, and are not limited to any one specialty or subspecialty. To ensure that an authorized person is ordering the test, a laboratory using electronic test requests may issue passwords. Such policies should clearly define which tests may be covered by standing orders and at what interval standing orders should be reconfirmed. If no written order was received, verify the laboratory has documentation showing the attempt. An authorized person may also use the test requisition to designate additional individuals/entities that will be responsible for using the test results to provide care to the subject individual. When appropriate, a telephone number or other mechanism to contact the individual responsible for using the test results should be provided to the laboratory on the requisition. Verify that test requisitions solicit all information necessary for the proper interpretation of results. Verify that the instructions to clients are clear and specify the items that must be completed. Laboratories must have policies that guide staff on what to do if/when they receive a requisition or patient medical chart or record that is missing required information. Laboratories must either obtain the missing information, or report results and indicate on the test report, medical record or chart any limitations of test results due to the omission of patient information. If the missing information is essential (such as the family history for certain genetic tests) for accurate test results, it must be obtained prior to reporting patient test results. How does the laboratory ensure that all individuals who enter data, including clerical staff, correctly match patient information Does the laboratory provide instructions directly to patients or to the client when proper patient preparation is required for optimal specimen collection
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Controls for mutant strains on a mixed background If a mutation is maintained heterozygously on a mixed background vasculogenic erectile dysfunction causes generic 30 mg dapoxetine overnight delivery, unaffected littermates will be available and can be used as controls. If the mutation is maintained homozygously on a mixed background, you may need a breeding colony of approximate control mice. If the targeted mutation has gone germline, the progeny are hybrids of B6 and 129 strains. Because of the allelic segregation and assortment from F1 hybrid parents, the genetic background of the F2 generation will vary in composition similarly to that of the targeted mutant. B6129F1 hybrids are a less appropriate control because all mice of the F1 generation are genotypically identical. Purchasing and housing control mice To minimize variation due to substrain differences, obtain controls and research mice from the same supplier. To minimize variation due to environment or health status, house treated mice and controls in conditions as similar as possible. If treated and control mice can be unequivocally distinguished, house them in the same cages. Unless absolutely necessary, avoid switching from one supplier to another during a research program. Even though the strain names might be the same from one supplier to another, it is likely that the mice are different enough genetically to confound research results. Guidelines for alternatives to maintaining live mice For some research it may be cost effective to use biological materials other than live mice. To learn more about these alternatives, or for information about how these strategies might meet the needs of your research program, call our technical information scientists at 1-800-422-6423 (North America) or 1-207-288-5845 (international). Information resources: neurobiology, including neuromuscular and sensorineural biology. Information resources: neurobiology, including neuromuscular and sensorineural biology (continued). Helicobacter pylori and cholesterol gallstone formation in C57L/J mice: a prospective study. Multiple trait measurements in 43 inbred mouse strains capture the phenotypic diversity characteristic of human populations. Currrer Throughout the history of the Jackson Laboratory, a consistent goal has been to enhance biomedical research around the world. Currently, with both public and private funding, and in collaboration with other institutions, our staff provides investigators worldwide with access to the most up-to-date information about the genetics of the laboratory mouse and available research models. The term bioinformatics refers to computer access, integration, and analysis of collections of biological data. Uses of bioinformatics can be as simple as a search for information about a mouse gene in one database or as complex as the generation of a novel discovery through analyses of multiple databases. The rapid advancements in genetic research since the late 1970s would not have been possible without bioinformatics. For example, suppose in 1986 that a researcher was searching for the gene responsible for a mutant phenotype in a mouse. Also, because so many genes had not yet been identified or annotated, the candidate list would have been incomplete, and might not have included the gene. Today, however, the mouse genome is sequenced and most of the genes are identified. Taking full advantage of the power of bioinformatics presents several challenges: First is locating and accessing the specific databases that can help resolve a research issue. Third is understanding the use of the computational tools that crunch and analyze the data. It is important to note that, because these areas are organized by function, they generally do not represent a one-to-one relationship with a specific database. In the Human Disease column, select a cystic Human Disease and Mouse Model Detail fibrosis link that indicates a quantity of available page. In the Mouse Models section of the page, select the Phenotypic Allele Detail page. In the Allele details section of the page, select the link Information about mouse models. Example: How to find phenotypes associated with the Cftr (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator homolog) gene. In the Phenotypes section of the page, select the link Information about the gene with links to more of interest. Most often, you will access these databases via links from other webpages or search interfaces. We provide the web addresses of the databases, however, should you want to access them directly. Other databases the Jackson Laboratory provides access to other databases that play an integral role in mouse genetics. The Biology of the Laboratory Mouse is available in limited quantities (see sidebar for ordering information). National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. The Mammalian Phenotype Ontology as a tool for annotating, analyzing and comparing phenotypic information. Colony management issues range in scope from simple tasks performed day after day (checking water bottles and changing cages) to complex tasks that you hope you never have to perform (recovering from microbial contamination or a natural disaster). Colony management has one purpose: to produce and maintain healthy, genetically consistent animals, suitable for biomedical research. In this section, we will address issues that almost every colony manager and institution must address.
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La bacteria Neisseria meningitidis normalmente se encuentra en la nariz y en la garganta de entre el 10 y el 15% de los adultos erectile dysfunction treatment pdf purchase 60 mg dapoxetine fast delivery. Existen 5 cepas de Neisseria meningitidis responsables de la mayoria de los casos de esta enfermedad. En raras ocasiones, la bacteria puede entrar en areas del cuerpo en las que normalmente no se encuentra y causar una infeccion grave que puede ser mortal ("enfermedad invasiva") conocida como enfermedad meningococica. Ejemplos de la enfermedad meningococica incluyen meningitis (infeccion de las membranas que recubren el cerebro y la medula espinal) y septicemia (infeccion en el torrente sanguineo). Se trata de una enfermedad muy poco comun; se informan alrededor de 30 casos por ano en el estado de Indiana. La enfermedad no se propaga por contacto casual ni por asistir al mismo entorno laboral o escolar. La bacteria Neisseria meningitidis se propaga de persona a persona solo a traves del contacto con gotitas de la nariz o de la garganta, incluida la saliva, de una persona infectada. Se recomienda la terapia preventiva con antibioticos para las personas que estan en contacto directo con alguien que tiene enfermedad meningococica o que le brinda atencion medica a alguien con esta enfermedad. Los bebes pequenos, los estudiantes que asisten a la secundaria o a la universidad, y los reclutas son mas propensos a contraer la enfermedad. Las personas con un sistema inmunitario debilitado tambien tienen mayor riesgo de contraer la enfermedad, al igual que las que viven con muchas personas o estan expuestas en el hogar al humo de cigarrillos. Si tiene algunos de los sintomas que se mencionan antes, es importante buscar atencion medica de inmediato. Una persona infectada puede enfermarse pocas horas despues de desarrollar sintomas y es importante el diagnostico precoz. Su proveedor de atencion medica le puede extraer sangre o liquido cefalorraquideo para detectar la presencia de bacterias meningococicas. La enfermedad meningococica se trata con varios tipos distintos de antibioticos y el tratamiento precoz puede reducir el riesgo de complicaciones o muerte a causa de la enfermedad. Un tratamiento con antibioticos durante 24 horas reduce la probabilidad de que una persona contagie la bacteria. Es posible que las personas con infeccion severa necesiten cuidados de apoyo en una unidad de cuidados intensivos, y quizas se necesite una cirugia para extirpar el tejido danado y detener la propagacion de la enfermedad. Cubrase la nariz y la boca al estornudar o toser, deseche los panuelos de papel usados y lavese las manos con frecuencia. Existen dos tipos de vacuna que protegen contra 4 de las 5 cepas mas comunes de esta enfermedad. Se recomienda la revacunacion de ninos y adultos con factores de riesgo continuos de enfermedad meningococica. Para obtener mas informacion sobre la disponibilidad de la vacuna meningococica, comuniquese con su proveedor de atencion medica o con el departamento local de salud. No existe una vacuna disponible para bebes menores de 9 meses ni para 1 de las cepas comunes, la enfermedad meningococica por serogrupo B. Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis is spread by droplets created when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Infants and young children are usually vaccinated against pertussis, but the vaccine becomes less effective as children get older, and vaccinated children can become infected. Young infants are at highest risk for developing complications from the disease like pneumonia, seizures, and death. Teens and adults who received the pertussis vaccine when they were younger might have milder disease if they get sick with pertussis, but they can still spread it to others. The Tdap vaccine, which protects against tetanus and diphtheria, as well as pertussis, can be given regardless of the time since receiving a regular tetanus booster (Td). Additional resources for families to obtain information about pertussis disease include the following websites: the Indiana State Department of Health. La tos ferina es una infeccion respiratoria muy contagiosa causada por la bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Se propaga por las gotitas producidas cuando una persona infectada tose o estornuda. Generalmente, se vacuna a bebes y ninos pequenos contra la tos ferina, pero la vacuna se vuelve menos eficaz a medida que los ninos crecen, y los ninos vacunados pueden contraer la infeccion. La tos ferina causa accesos fuertes de tos que pueden persistir por semanas o meses. Los bebes pequenos estan en mayor riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones a causa de la enfermedad, como neumonia, convulsiones y muerte. Los adolescentes y adultos que recibieron la vacuna contra la tos ferina cuando eran mas pequenos podrian tener una enfermedad mas leve si se enferman de tos ferina, pero igual la pueden contagiar a otros. Los adultos deben consultar con su proveedor de atencion medica sobre un refuerzo de la Tdap. Los siguientes sitios web son recursos adicionales para que las familias obtengan informacion sobre la tos ferina (estan disponibles en idioma ingles): Departamento de Salud del Estado de Indiana. Parasitology 1 Preface the problem faced today in the learning and teaching of Parasitology for laboratory technicians in universities, colleges, health institutions, training health centers and hospitals emanates primarily from the unavailability of textbooks that focus on the needs of Ethiopian students. This lecture note has been prepared with the primary aim of alleviating the problems encountered in the teaching of Medical Parasitology course and in minimizing discrepancies prevailing among the different teaching and training health institutions. It can also be used in teaching any introductory course on medical parasitology and as a reference material. This lecture note is devoted to providing general aspects of parasitology in addition to covering human parasites in two major groups -the protozoa and helminths including their distribution, habitat, morphology, life cycle, pathogenicity, prevention and control, laboratory diagnosis and their relevance to Ethiopia. It has also appendices, which discuss the collection of laboratory specimens, preservatives of stool sample, frequently used parasitological diagnostic methods and reagent preparation. Finally, it contains a glossary, which summarizes important terminologies used in the text. Each chapter begins by specific learning objectives and after each objective and after each class of parasites review questions are also included. No systemic study has been conducted on the prevalence of human parasites in different ecological zones of Ethiopia but past surveys indicate the presence of all parasites except some that are found in the Far East, South East Asian and Latin American countries and which require specific intermediate hosts. This lecture note tries as far as possible to summarize local literatures that deal with parasite prevalence Parasitology 2 in Ethiopia so that it may address itself particularly to the needs of Ethiopian students. We welcoming the reviewers and users input regarding this edition so that future editions will be better. Parasitology 3 Acknowledgments We would like to acknowledge the Carter Center for its initiative, financial, material and logistic supports for the preparation of this teaching material. We are indebted to the Jimma University and other institutions that support directly or indirectly for the visibility of this lecture note preparation. Our deepest gratitude to Professor Dennis Carlson with out whom these lectures note preparation is not visible. We greatly thank him for his attitude, knowledge, and practice and above all his commitment, concern and dedication toward solving the health problem of Ethiopia. We extend our appreciation to the reviewers and teaching staffs in the different institution for their unreserved contribution for the materialization of this lecture note preparation. In 1817 Lancisi recorded studies of mosquitoes and Vague Surmises about their role in the cause of intermittent fevers. Gross, in 1849, was the first to describe an amebic parasite in man Entamoeba gingival and Losch identified E. Then came the discovery of mosquito hosts for filariae by Manson (1877 -1878) and Plasmodia by Laveran in 1880, transmission of babesiosis by ticks by Smith and Kilburne in 1894, trypanosomes and their transmission by tsetse flies by Bruce (1895 1896), and mosquito transmission of plasmodia by Ross (1897 1898). With the aid of microscopes, morphological characters of various parasites were first studied and species and group characteristics were determined. Then several stages of the organisms were related to one another in life-cycle sequence.
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Hence fructose is not absorbed by simple diffusion alone and it is suggested that some mechanism facilitates its transport erectile dysfunction treatment with injection purchase dapoxetine canada, called as facilitated transport. Hence, to provide a given amount of energy, more glucose must undergo glycolysis under anaerobic as compared to aerobic. For discussion and proper understanding, the various reactions can be arbitrarily divided in to four stages. Uptake of Glucose by Cells and its phosphorylation Glucose is freely permeable to Liver cells. In other tissues, like skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, diaphragm, adipose tissue etc. The reaction is catalyzed by the specific enzyme glucokinase in liver cells and by nonspecific Hexokinase in liver and extrahepatic tissues. The reaction is accompanied by considerable loss of free energy as heat, and hence under physiological conditions is regarded as irreversible. Conversion of Fructose 6phosphate to Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphate the above reaction is followed by another phosphorylation. Reactions of this type in which an aldehyde group is oxidized to an acid are accompanied by liberation of large amounts of potentially useful energy. Oxidation of Glyceraldehyde 3phosphate to 1,3 bis phosphoglycerate Glycolysis proceeds by the oxidation of glyceraldehde-3-phosphate,to form1,3-bis phosphoglycerate. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate also forms 1, 3 bisphosphoglycerate via glyceraldehydes-3 phosphate shuttle. Conversion of 3 phosphoglycerate to 2 Phosphoglycerate 3-Phosphoglycerate formed by the above reaction is converted to 2-phosphoglycerate, catalyzed by the enzyme phosphoglycerate mutase. It is likely that 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate is an intermediate in the reaction and probably acts catalytically. Conversion of 2-phosphoglycerate to Phosphoenol pyruvate the reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme enolase, the enzyme requires the presence of ++ ++ either Mg or Mn for activity. In liver fructose1-phosphate is split to glyceraldehyde and dihydroxy acetone phosophate by AldolaseB. Glyceraldehyde enters glycolysis, when it is phosphorylated to glyceraldehyde-3-P by triose kinase. Dihydroxy aceton phosphate and glyceraldehyde-3-P may be degraded via glycolysis or may be condensed to form glucose by aldolase. The reason being high concentration of Fructose 1 phosphate and fructose 1, 6 bis phosphate inhibit Liver phosphorylase by allosteric modulation. As in case of Galactose, fructose intolerance can also lead to cataract formation. It is an inherited disorder that the defect may be in the galactokinase, uridlyl transferase or 4-epimerase. The product accumulates in lense and leads to accumulation of water by osmotic pull. Glycogen metabolism Introduction Glycogen is the major storage form of carbohydrate in animals. It is mainly stored in liver and muscles and is mobilized as glucose whenever body tissues require. Shortening of chains Golycogen phosphorylase cleaves the 1, 4 glycosidic bonds between the glucose residues at the non reducing ends of the glycogen by simple phosphorolysis. The resulting structure is called a limit dextrin and phosphorylase cannot degrade it any further. Removal of Branches A debranching enzyme also called Glucantransferase which contains two activities, Glucantransferase and Glucosidase. The transfer activity removes the terminal 3 glucose residues of one branch and attaches them to a free C4 end of the second branch. The glucose in (1,6) linkage at the branch is removed by the action of Glucosidase as free glucose. Lysosomal Degradation of Glycogen A small amount of glycogen is continuously degraded by the lysosomal enzyme (1, 4) glycosidase (acid maltase). The 1,6 branches in glucose are produced by amylo-(1,4-1,6) transglycosylase,also termed as branching enzyme. This enzyme transfers a terminal fragment of 6 to 7 glucose residues(from a polymer of atleast 11 glucose residues long) to an internal glucose residue at the C-6 hydroxyl position. Glycogenesis Glycogen storage diseases these are a group of genetic diseases that result from a defect in an enzyme required for either glycogen synthesis or degradation. They result in either formation of glycogen that has an abnormal structure or the accumulation of excessive amounts of normal glycogen in specific tissues, A particular enzyme may be defective in a single tissue such as the liver or the defect may be more generalized, affecting muscle, kidney, intestine and myocardium. The severity of the diseases may range from fatal in infancy to mild disorders that are not life threatening some of the more prevalent glycogen storage diseases are the following. To provide the cell with ribose-5-phosphate (R5P) for the synthesis of the nucleotides and nucleic acids. The 3 carbon sugar generated is glyceraldehyde-3-phsphate which can be shunted to glycolysis and oxidized to pyruvate. Alternatively, it can be utilized by the gluconeogenic enzymes to generate more 6 carbon sugars (fructose-6-phosphate or glucose-6-phosphate). Although this bond plays a very important role in protein structure and function, inappropriately introduced disulfides can be detrimental. Oxidative stress also generates peroxides that in turn can be reduced by glutathione to generate water and an alcohol. Regeneration of reduced glutathione is carried out by the enzyme, glutathione reductase. Several deficiencies in the level of activity (not function) of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase have been observed to be associated with resistance to the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, among individuals of Mediterranean and African descent. The basis for this resistance is the weakening of the red cell membrane (the erythrocyte is the host cell for the parasite) such that it cannot sustain the parasitic life cycle long enough for productive growth. Coris Cycle or Lactic Acid Cycle In an actively contracting muscle, only about 8% of the pyruvate is utilized by the citric acid cycle and the remaining is, therefore, reduced to lactate. The lactic acid thus generated should not be allowed to accumulate in the muscle tissues. The muscle cramps, often associated with strenuous muscular exercise are thought to be due to lactate accumulation. It is then taken up through gluconeogenesis pathway and becomes glucose, which can enter into blood and then taken to muscle. Significance of the cycle: Muscle cannot form glucose by gluconeogenesis process because glucose 6 phosphatase is absent. Unlike Liver, muscle cannot supply Glucose to other organs inspite of having Glycogen. Gluconeogenesis Gluconoegenesis is the biosynthesis of new glucose from non carbohydrate substrates. In the absence of dietary intake of carbohydrate liver glycogen can meet these needs for only 10 to 18 hours During prolonged fast hepatic glycogen stores are depleted and glucose is formed from precursors such as lactate, pyruvate, glycerol and keto acids. Approximately 90% of gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver whereas kidneys provide 10 % of newly synthesized glucose molecules, the kidneys thus play a minor role except during prolonged starvation when they become major glucose producing organs.
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The visual grades have provisions for dense erectile dysfunction medicine names effective 90 mg dapoxetine, close grain, medium-grain, or coarsegrain lumber. The E-rated grades are categorized by a combination of visual grading criteria and lumber stiffness. Typical examples of softwood boards in the acteristic permitted (as a fraction of the width) along with lower grades. Radius-edged decking lumber is stress graded and assigned allowable properties is intended for fatwise use and has oversized eased edges under the National Grading Rule, a part of the American of a particular radius. The standard radius for 25-mm-thick radius or more in least dimension) are also structurally graded un edged decking product is 6. Decking is usually separated sion lumber, grade descriptions for structural timbers are not into a minimum of two grades, most commonly Premium standardized across species. Beams and string Factory and Shop Lumber ers are members standard 114 mm (nominal 5 in. Beams and stringers are primar cifc smaller sizes, which become integral parts of other ily used to resist bending stresses, and the grade description products. In the secondary manufacturing process, grade of some timber grades for the middle third of the length of descriptions, sizes, and often the entire appearance of the the beam is more stringent than that for the outer two-thirds. Thus, for Factory and Shop lum Posts and timbers are members standard 114 by 114 mm ber, the role of the grading process is to refect as accurately (nominal 5 by 5 in. Typical of lumber for secondary manufacture are and timbers are primarily used to resist axial stresses. Struc the factory grades, industrial clears, box lumber, moulding tural timbers of Southern Pine are graded without regard to stock, and ladder stock. Lumber Manufacture Availability and grade designation often vary by region and Size species. Some grading rules refer to these 305 mm (1 ft) as specifed in various grading rules. All practice, 610-mm (2-ft) multiples (in even numbers) are impose a somewhat similar nomenclature in the grade struc common for most construction lumber. Shop lumber is graded on the basis of characteristics lumber varies, commonly from standard 38 to 387 mm that affect its use for general cut-up purposes or on the basis (nominal 2 to 16 in. The thickness of lumber can be gener of size of cutting, such as for sash and doors. Factory Select ally categorized as follows: and Select Shop are typical high grades, followed by No. Timbers are usually surfaced while green stock, garage door stock, and other product components (unseasoned); however, dry sizes are also given. The is primarily based on the best face, although the infuence of sizes are such that a piece of green lumber, surfaced to the edge characteristics is important and varies depending upon standard green size, will shrink to approximately the stan piece width and thickness. In redwood, the Industrial Clear dard dry size as it dries to about 15% moisture content. The All Heart grade includes an all heart requirement for de defnition of dry boards and dimension is lumber that has cay resistance in the manufacture of cooling towers, tanks, been seasoned or dried to a maximum moisture content of pipe, and similar products. Factory and Shop lumber for remanufacture is offered in For example, in West Coast species, the ladder industry can specifed sizes to ft end-product requirements. Factory choose from one ladder and pole stock grade plus two (Shop) grades for general cuttings are offered in thickness ladder rail grades and one ladder rail stock grade. Cut Moulding stock, tank stock, pole stock, stave stock, stadium tings are of various lengths and widths. Laminating stock is seat stock, box lumber, and pencil stock are other typical sometimes offered oversize, compared with standard dimen classes oriented to the fnal product. Sizes for special product grades such as moulding high-stress use such as ladders, and particular cutting re stock and ladder stock are specifed in appropriate grading quirements as in pencil stock. American Standard Lumber sizes for yard and structural lumber for construction Thickness Face width Minimum dressed Minimum dressed Nominal Dry Green Nominal Dry Green Item (in. Classifcations of manufacturing imper Rough lumber has surface imperfections caused by the pri fections (combinations of imperfections allowed) are estab mary sawing operations. It may be greater than target size lished in the rules as Standard A, Standard B, and so on. For by variable amounts in both thickness and width, depending example, Standard A admits very light torn grain, occasional upon the type of sawmill equipment. These as a raw material for further manufacture and also for some classifcations are used as part of the grade rule description decorative purposes. A roughsawn surface is common in of some lumber products to specify the allowable surface post and timber products. Surfaced lumber has been surfaced by a machine on one Patterns side (S1S), two sides (S2S), one edge (S1E), two edges Lumber that has been matched, shiplapped, or otherwise (S2E), or combinations of sides and edges (S1S1E, S2S1E, patterned, in addition to being surfaced, is often classifed S1S2, S4S). Softwood Lumber Species Imperfections or blemishes defned in the grading rules the names of lumber species adopted by the trade as stan and caused by machining are classifed as manufacturing dard may vary from the names of trees adopted as offcial imperfections. Some of these agencies also write grading rules that refect the spe cies and products in the geographic regions they represent. Where the primary manufacturer can readily identify the customers, direct sales may be made. Primary manufacturers often sell directly to large retail-chain con tractors, manufacturers of mobile and modular housing, and truss fabricators. Some primary manufacturers and wholesalers set up distri bution yards in lumber-consuming areas to distribute both hardwood and softwood products more effectively. Retail yards draw inventory from distribution yards and, in wood producing areas, from local lumber producers. The wide range of grades and species covered in the grade rules may not be readily available in most retail outlets. Of ten, the lumber shipped by water is green because weight is not a major factor in this type of shipping. On the other hand, lumber reaching the East Coast from the Pacifc Coast by rail is usually kiln-dried because rail shipping rates are based on weight. A shorter rail haul places southern and northeastern species in a favorable economic position in regard to shipping costs in this market. Changing transportation costs have infuenced shifts in market distribution of species and products. Most lumber is graded under the supervision of inspection Retail Yard Inventory bureaus and grading agencies.
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Fish most commonly identified as though these worms are known to irritate the intesti vectors for Anisakis are chub mackerel and flying nal lining and interfere with the absorption of fats squid in Japan and pickled anchovies erectile dysfunction rates age order dapoxetine amex, raw sardines, and protein. In some cases, Ascaris causes more cold smoked salmon, raw or pickled herring in severe infections in the liver or lungs (154;242). Eggs passed out with feces may be ingested to fish processors in Atlantic Canada (184). Other by the same or another person who drinks contami fish, including whiting, mackerel, pollack, and floun nated water, eats with dirty hands, or eats uncooked der, may also contain these parasites (13;86;221;222; vegetables that have been fertilized with contaminated 259). Upon ingestion, the eggs hatch in the that approximately 11% were infected (221) while a Prepared by M. Techniques for the detection and enumeration of this disease occurs primarily in some Asian and Latin Ascaris eggs on vegetables have been developed and American countries although it has been reported may be useful for screening fresh vegetables for in the U. Sixteen such travelers were identified at a London Angiostrongylus cantonensis and hospital for tropical diseases during a twelve-month A. As the common name suggests, the normal definitive Gnathostomes usually utilize two intermediate hosts of these parasites are rats and other rodents. Adult worms living in wild or domestic cats However, individual cases and outbreaks of human and dogs release eggs with the host feces. Consumption of raw and an outbreak involving 12 American tourists or lightly cooked, infected fish, shrimp, frogs, etc. Because humans are not a natural host, these parasites Gnathostomes are active little parasites and migrate do not migrate to the lungs in humans but rather to out of the gut to various tissues. In cats and dogs, the tissues surrounding the brain where they cause they eventually migrate back to the stomach and eosinophilic meningitis (A. Usually infections are self limiting Cases of gnathostomiasis in Japan have been traced although some serious cases (37;224;281) and even to consumption of raw fish and shrimp (3;204) while deaths have been reported. Infected snails and rats have been detected in swamp eels purchased at markets in Bangkok the southern U. Sometimes freshwater fish, frogs, or crayfish the rainy season while only 8% were infected during serve as transport hosts. In a New Trichinella spiralis (Trichinosis) Orleans case, an 11-year-old boy admitted eating a T. Improved swine feeding practices and regular vegetable leaves and be eaten inadvertently. In the inspections at slaughterhouses have drastically tourist outbreak a salad was epidemiologically reduced the incidence of trichinae in raw pork in the related to infection (252), while mint leaves were U. Occasional foodborne human illness characterized by creeping large outbreaks still occur, reminding us to cook skin eruptions that are sometimes accompanied by potentially contaminated meat well. In some European countries raw horse meat, Liver flukes have a complex life cycle involving also a vehicle for infection (6), is an ingredient in two intermediate hosts, snails and fish. The parasites have been detected in boar, walrus or bear meat (110), and wild game meat fish, cats and other animals in most Asian countries was reported to be the most common source of and also in Siberia, Kazakstan, the Ukraine, and infection in the U. With the influx of Asian immigrants to Bear meat was responsible for five outbreaks ac Australia and other Western countries since the 1970s, counting for 29 (40%) cases, and cougar and wild human infections with liver flukes have been diag boar meats were associated with one case each. At least 16 cases associated with walrus meat Liver flukes are unlikely to become an established were reported from Canada in 2002 (131). However, these ary 2003, an outbreak in Poland affecting at least parasites may be present in immigrants from Asian 124 people is believed to have been caused by infected countries and there is a potential for contaminated wild boar meat although other wild game might have freshwater fish to be imported from endemic areas. Trichinella completes one round of its life cycle in Fasciola hepatica (Liver fluke) one host animal. They cattle and sheep industries of some countries burrow out of the intestine and travel throughout the (124;156;210). Highest concentrations of larvae in pigs are of countries in South America, North Africa and the found in the diaphragm and tongue but they are also Middle East where sanitary facilities are inadequate present in various skeletal muscles. Clonorchis/Opisthorchis (Liver flukes) Disease symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, In eastern and southeastern Asia, several related para weight loss and enlarged liver. Some evidence sug sitic worms of the genera Clonorchis and Opisthorchis gests that heavy or chronic infections of this parasite lodge in the liver of infected humans and other ani are associated with liver tumors (124). Experimental mals causing blockage and hyperplasia of the bile data demonstrated that Fasciola infections in mice passages. Light infections may cause mild symptoms can cause an increase in mutations in nearby liver of liver dysfunction while heavier infections result in cells (98). The eggs hatch in water, more intermediate hosts: a freshwater snail, then a larvae penetrate snails and undergo further develop crab or crayfish, and sometimes an animal which eats ment before leaving the snail and encysting in water the crabs and then is consumed by humans. During rainy worms can mature only in humans and some wild spells, cysts may also be present on field plants such carnivores. Fasciola cysts can survive in consume infected crabs, Paragonimus cannot com running water for as long as 122 days, in pasture for plete its life cycle but migrates to the muscles and up to a year, and even for a few months in hay (124). If humans consume infected boar meat, the Humans often become infected from eating water worms emerge from the cyst and migrate to the lungs cress (112;139) and a variety of other plants (75;124) where they mate and produce eggs. But some cases in Fasciolopsis buski (Fasciolopsiasis, Japan have been traced to undercooked wild boar Intestinal fluke) meat (196;245), and undercooked guinea pig meat is F. Many of the cases diagnosed in the most commonly inhabit the intestines of farm pigs U. Anemia, when they came to this country or continue to eat headache, and gastric distress characterize mild in imported raw crustaceans (187). Eggs are deposited in feces, hatch in water, and the larvae penetrate snails and undergo development. Symptoms of diarrhea, developed countries have greatly decreased risk of abdominal pain, and fever may occur early after in infection (265). However, in some regions of the fection and progress to coughing and thoracic pain world these parasites are a significant problem. At present, human infections are most com twenty years, producing several thousand eggs daily mon in Finland, Scandinavia, Alaska, Canada, Japan, that pass out with the feces. Consump and the adult tapeworm may grow to a length of ten tion of raw or inadequately cooked, infected beef or meters in the intestine. Eggs pass out with feces, pork introduces the larvae into the human intestinal hatch in water, and the larvae are eaten by a copepod. Infections Fish that eat copepods become infected and then pass may be asymptomatic or may generate non-specific the parasites on to humans who eat raw fish. Some other species of Diphyllobothrium small intestine and travel to various tissues and organs have been isolated from salmon in Japan and Alaska. Wolves, bears, and other fish-eating mammals and Some studies report that up to 40% of carriers of birds can also serve as definitive hosts for some adult worms also have cysticercosis, indicating that species of Diphyllobothrium. Use of untreated Usually the presence of one worm causes no urban sewage sludge on pastures may cause cysticer symptoms but many worms can cause abdominal cosis in cattle or hogs while untreated human wastes pain, diarrhea, and anemia. However, consumption of the most serious consequences occur when the water containing newly hatched larvae or infected larvae reach the brain, causing neurocysticercosis copepods can give rise to a condition called spargano that often triggers headaches, seizures, and other sis. This is the most com and migrate to tissues just under the skin causing mon parasitic disease of the central nervous system some discomfort before they die. Tissue contacts with immigrants, including cooks, infected damage may be severe in some cases (106;262). Africa, Asia, the Middle East (5;263), and some Euro pean Mediterranean countries (152;248) and occa sional cases may be seen in the U.
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Flavonoids with antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities from the leaves of Tilia argentea (silver linden) erectile dysfunction drugs sublingual discount dapoxetine uk. Isolation of pharmacologically active benzodiazepine receptor ligands from Tilia tomentosa (Tiliaceae). Traditional Preparation: Timacle root is often added to herbal mixtures or tinctures (botellas) and strong infusions or decoctions (tisanas) in combination with other roots and herbs; these herbal preparations may be used to treat a variety of ailments. Traditional Uses: In the Dominican Republic, this plant is attributed the following therapeutic properties: astringent, diuretic and emetic. Availability: Timacle can sometimes be purchased from botanicas that specialize in selling Caribbean medicinal plants. Flowers are yellow and grow in small clusters; petals are fused at the base to form a funnel-like shape, are marked by reddish lines on the outer surface and open at the end into 5 triangular lobes resembling a star. Fruits are fleshy, nearly circular, flattened drupes that turn from green to white when ripe (Acevedo-Rodriguez 1996). Animal Toxicity Studies: Toxicity studies in mice using the aqueous decoction of the root (1-5 g/kg) did not result in any fatalities (Saravia 1992). In mice, the ethanolic extract of the root showed hypoactivity but did not cause death when administered as a single oral dose (up to 2000 mg/kg) nor did it show signs of liver monooxygenase activity alteration. Intraperitoneal and subcutaneous administration of ethanolic root extracts showed significantly greater toxicity. In chronic toxicity tests, gavage administration of the ethanolic root extract for 14 days did not result in any deaths. In mutagenicity studies using the Salmonella/microsome assay, the ethanolic extract did not show mutagenic effects. Overall, when administered orally to mice, ethanolic extracts of the root were not mutagenic and presented a low acute and subacute toxicity (Gazda et al. The following compounds have been identified in the root: alkaloids, methyl salicylate and tannins (Duke 1992). Merilactone (a C-19 metabolite from methanol root extract) is a novel nor-seco-primaraine chemical structure that was recently isolated (Borges-Argaez et al. This classification is based on its most frequently reported use in the Caribbean as a remedy for the treatment of urethritis and ganglial inflammation of the groin (Germosen-Robineau 1995). Laboratory and Preclinical Data: Chiococca alba Activity/Effect Preparation Design & Model Results Reference Antibacterial Ethanolic extract of In vitro: Bacillus Demonstrated slight Le Grand & root subtilis antibacterial activity Wondergem 1986 Anti Ethanolic extract of In vivo Demonstrated anti Schapoval et inflammatory leaves inflammatory activity al. Antigonorrhoeal activity of plants used in Guatemala for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Activites antimicrobiennes et etudes bibliographiques de la toxicologie de dix plantes medicinales de la caraibe. Traditional Preparation: An infusion or decoction of the leaves or aerial parts is used for treating digestive and gastrointestinal disorders, cough and upper or lower respiratory tract infections. Traditional Uses: the leaves are added to baths for skin disorders and spiritual purposes. Availability: As a popular culinary seasoning tomillo herb (usually dried but sometimes fresh) can be found at most grocery stores and supermarkets and is also sold at many botanicas in New York City. Leaves are small, dark green and arranged in opposite pairs along stems; they are linear to narrowly oval in shape, covered with glandular dots and slightly hairy on the underside. This plant is highly aromatic with a sharp, musky-camphor-like odor (Bailey Hortorium Staff 1976). Distribution: Originally native to the western Mediterranean, this popular culinary herb is cultivated in diverse temperate regions around the world (Bailey Hortorium Staff 1976). When administered appropriately, there are no known health hazards or negative side effects associated with its therapeutic use, except for a low potential for allergic reaction (Gruenwald et al. Few cases of hypersensitivity 416 to tomillo have been reported; however, cross-sensitivity to plants belonging to the mint (Lamiaceae) family has been observed in clinical settings and laboratory research (Benito et al. Animal Toxicity Studies: In an animal study involving rats fed a diet containing 2% or 10% Thymus vulgaris leaves, no evidence of toxicity was observed (Haroun et al. Contraindications: Contraindicated during pregnancy due to demonstrated effects as an emmenagogue. Caution advised in patients with acute inflammation of the urinary tract or gastrointestinal tract due to the potentially irritating effects of this herb on mucosa of the renal, urinary and gastrointestinal tracts. Patients with extensive skin injuries, acute dermatological conditions, high fevers, severe infectious diseases, heart conditions or hypertonia should avoid whole-body baths except when approved by a physician (Gruenwald et al. Indications and Usage: this herb has been approved by the Commission E for the treatment of cough and bronchitis (Blumenthal et al. This herb can be prepared as dried leaves, powdered herb, tea, infusion, bath, tincture, oil or liquid extract. For a bath, add 500 g herb to 4 liters boiling water, filter, then add to bath water or add 0. Relaxant effect of Thymus vulgaris on guinea-pig tracheal chains and its possible mechanism(s). Open trial to assess aspects of safety and efficacy of a combined herbal cough syrup with ivy and thyme. Isolation and structure elucidation of radical scavengers from Thymus vulgaris leaves. Effects of selected plant essential oils on the growth and development of mouse preimplantation embryos in vivo. Potentiation of antifungal action of amphotericin B by essential oil from Thymus vulgaris. Evaluation of the non-inferiority of a fixed combination of thyme fluid and primrose root extract in comparison to a fixed combination of thyme fluid extract and primrose root tincture in patients with acute bronchitis. Effect of feeding Cuminum cyminum fruits, Thymus vulgaris leaves or their mixture to rats. Antibacterial effects of commercial essential oils over locally prevalent pathogenic strains in Mexico. In vitro acetylcholinesterase inhibitory properties of thymol, carvacrol and their derivatives thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone. Efficacy and tolerability of a fluid extract combination of thyme herb and ivy leaves and matched placebo in adults suffering from acute bronchitis with productive cough. The effects of essential oils and aqueous tea infusions of oregano (Origanum vulgare L. In vitro inhibition of drug-resistant and drug-sensitive strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by ethnobotanically selected South African plants. Antispasmodic activity of Thymus vulgaris extract on the isolated guinea-pig trachea: discrimination between drug and ethanol effects. In vitro effects of essential oils and isolated mono and sesquiterpenes on Leishmania major and Trypanosoma brucei. Antiviral effect of aqueous extracts from species of the Lamiaceae family against Herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in vitro. Therapeutic approach to dermatophytoses by essential oils of some Moroccan aromatic plants. Susceptibility of drug-resistant clinical herpes simplex virus type 1 strains to essential oils of ginger, thyme, hyssop and sandalwood. In-vitro anti-inflammatory effect of Eucalyptus globulus and Thymus vulgaris: nitric oxide inhibition in J774A. A preliminary study investigating the effect of the application of some essential oils on the in vitro proliferation of Dermatophilus congolensis. Although the common name toronja may be used to refer to more than one species (C. Traditional Preparation: this remedy, which is attributed acidic and sour properties, is typically administered raw as a juice or eaten as a fruit. Traditional Uses: For some digestive disorders, aloe vera (sabila) is also used as a laxative in combination with grapefruit juice. Availability: Citrus paradisi is typically available at grocery stores and fruit stands in the United States, and its closely-related ancestor, Citrus grandis, is also sold but less popular. Leaves are oval, dark green, thick and leathery with wavy margins, glandular dots, a characteristic pungent odor when crushed and broadly winged leaf-stems. Fruits are round and occur in dense clusters, have light yellow to yellow-orange skin and contain numerous seeds and tart, succulent yellow to pink pulp. Fruit color, size, seed-content and sweetness vary between cultivars (Bailey Hortorium Staff 1976). Distribution: Native to China and southeast Asia, this plant is cultivated in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions (Bailey Hortorium Staff 1976). Grapefruit juice has been shown to interact with nifedipine in rats (Uesawa & Mohri 2005b).