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Substances of abuse mens health january 2014 order alfuzosin once a day, including the: (1) Pharmacologic actions of substances of abuse (2) Signs and symptoms of toxicity (3) Signs and symptoms of withdrawal (4) Management of toxicity and withdrawal (5) Epidemiology, including sociocultural factors (6) Prevention and treatment 4. Psychopathology, epidemiology, diagnostic criteria, and clinical course for common psychiatric disorders and diseases across the lifespan, including treatment, for the following: a. Borderline personality disorder Psychiatry Core Competencies Outline, page 4 of 10 v. Interplay between psychosomatic and neurologic clinical manifestations, including somatization and conversion ee. Recognition of the range of clinical presentations in child and adult victims of abuse ff. Management of uncomplicated psychiatric disorders and indications for consultation 6. Pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnostic criteria, and clinical course for common neurologic disorders, including: (1) Movement disorders, stroke, dementia, and seizure disorders (2) Neurologic manifestations/complications of common psychiatric disorders (3) Psychiatric manifestations of common neurologic disorders b. To listen to and understand patients and to attend to nonverbal and electronic communication 2. To communicate effectively with patients using verbal, nonverbal, and written skills as appropriate 3. To develop and maintain a therapeutic alliance with patients by instilling feelings of trust, honesty, openness, rapport, and comfort in their relationships with psychiatrists 4. To communicate effectively and work collaboratively with other health Psychiatry Core Competencies Outline, page 5 of 10 care and other professionals involved in the lives of patients and their families 8. To educate patients, their families, and professionals about medical, psychosocial, and behavioral issues 9. Psychiatrists shall demonstrate the ability to obtain, interpret, and evaluate consultations from other medical specialties. Knowing when to solicit consultation and having the sensitivity to assess the need for consultation 2. Psychiatrists shall serve as effective consultants to other medical specialists, mental health professionals, and community agencies by demonstrating the abilities to: 1. Communicate effectively with the requesting party to refine the consultation question 2. Psychiatrists shall demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with patients and their families by: 1. Matching all communication to the educational and intellectual levels of patients and their families 2. Providing explanations of psychiatric disorders and treatment that are jargon free and matched to the educational/intellectual levels of patients and their families 4. Developing and enhancing rapport and a working alliance with patients and their families 7. Psychiatrists shall maintain up-to-date medical records and write legible prescriptions. These records must capture essential information while simultaneously respecting patient privacy, and they must be useful to health professionals outside psychiatry. Psychiatrists shall demonstrate the ability to work effectively within a multidisciplinary treatment team, including being able to: 1. Psychiatrists shall demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with patients and their families while respecting confidentiality. Consideration and compassion for the patient in providing accurate medical information and prognosis 5. The risks and benefits of the proposed treatment plan, including possible side effects of medications and/or complications of non-pharmacologic treatments 6. Psychiatrists shall recognize limitations in their own knowledge base and clinical skills, and understand and address the need for lifelong learning. Psychiatrists shall demonstrate appropriate skills for obtaining and evaluating up to-date information from scientific and practice literature and other sources to assist in the quality care of patients. Use of information technology, including Internet-based searches and literature databases 3. Active participation, as appropriate, in educational courses, conferences, and other organized educational activities at both local and national levels C. Psychiatrists shall evaluate caseload and practice experience in a systematic manner. Maintaining a system for examining errors in practice and initiating improvements to eliminate or reduce errors D. Psychiatrists shall demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate relevant medical literature. Researching and summarizing a particular problem that derives from their own caseloads E. Within this aim, psychiatrists shall be able to assess the generalizability or applicability of research findings to their patients in relation to their sociodemographic and clinical characteristics 2. Develop and pursue effective remediation strategies that are based on critical review of the scientific literature V. Responding to communication from patients and health professionals in a timely manner 2. Establishing and communicating back-up arrangements, including how to seek emergent and urgent care when necessary 3. Using medical records for appropriate documentation of the course of illness and its treatment 4. Coordinating care with other members of the medical and/or multidisciplinary team 6. Providing for continuity of care, including appropriate consultation, transfer, or referral if necessary B. Psychiatrists shall demonstrate ethical behavior, integrity, honesty, compassion, and confidentiality in the delivery of care, including matters of informed consent/assent, professional conduct, and conflict of interest. Psychiatrists shall demonstrate respect for patients and their families, and their colleagues as persons, including their ages, cultures, disabilities, ethnicities, genders, socioeconomic backgrounds, religious beliefs, political leanings, and sexual orientations. Psychiatrists shall demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to end-of-life care and issues regarding provision of care and clinical competence. Psychiatrists shall review their professional conduct and remediate when appropriate. Psychiatrists shall participate in the review of the professional conduct of their colleagues. Psychiatrists shall have a working knowledge of the diverse systems involved in treating patients of all ages, and understand how to use the systems as part of a comprehensive system of care in general and as part of a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan. Evaluation and implementation, where indicated, of the use of practice guidelines 2. Ability to access community, national, and allied health professional resources that may enhance the quality of life of patients with chronic psychiatric and neurologic illnesses 3. Demonstration of the ability to lead and work within health care teams needed to provide comprehensive care for patients with psychiatric and neurologic disease and respect professional boundaries 4. Demonstration of skills for the practice of ambulatory medicine, including time management, clinical scheduling, and efficient communication with referring physicians 5. Use of appropriate consultation and referral mechanisms for the optimal clinical management of patients with complicated medical illness 6. Use of accurate medical data in the communication with and effective management of patients B. Recognize the limitation of health care resources and demonstrate the ability to act as an advocate for patients within their sociocultural and financial constraints 2. Demonstrate knowledge of the legal aspects of psychiatric diseases as they impact patients and their families 3.
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Outbreaks of international impor tance prostate nutrition buy 10mg alfuzosin visa, whether naturally occurring or thought to have been deliberately caused, should be reported electronically by national governments to outbreak@who. They may then be free of clinical signs or symptoms for months or years before other clinical manifestations develop. A single test is recommended in populations with a prevalence rate above 10%; lower prevalence levels require a minimum of 2 different tests for reliability. Selection of tests depends on factors such as accuracy and local operational characteristics. Rapid testing techniques on blood or oral mucosal transudate facilitate delivery of testing and counselling services. The window period between the earliest possible detection of virus and seroconversion is short (less than 2 weeks). Viral load tests are now available and serve as an additional marker of disease progression and response to treatment. China and India, more recently infected, remain of major concern epidemiologically. This chemoprophylactic regimen was shown to reduce the risk of perinatal transmission by 66%. While the virus has occasionally been found in saliva, tears, urine and bronchial secretions, transmission after contact with these secretions has not been reported. The risk of transmission from oral sex is not easily quantiable, but is presumed to be low. There is increasing evidence of host factors such as chemokine-receptor polymorphisms that may reduce susceptibility. The major interaction identied so far is with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. The specic needs of minorities, persons with different primary languages and those with visual, hearing or other impairments must also be ad dressed. In other situations, latex condoms must be used correctly every time a person has vaginal, anal or oral sex. Both male and female latex condoms with water-based lubricants have been shown to reduce the risk of sexual transmission. Programs that instruct needle users in decon tamination methods and needle exchange have been shown to be effective. There is some evidence that exclusive breastfeeding is associated with lower transmission rates than partial breastfeeding. Organizations that collect plasma, blood or other body uids or organs should inform potential donors of this recommendation and test all do nors. Donors who test negative after that interval can be consid ered not to have been infected at the time of donation. Health care workers should wear latex gloves, eye protection and other personal protective equipment in order to avoid contact with blood or with uids. Where nominal reporting is not the rule, care must be taken to protect patient condentiality. Patients and their sexual partners should not donate blood, plasma, organs for transplantation, tissues, cells, semen for articial insemination or breastmilk for human milk banks. Notication by the health care provider is justied only when the patient, after due counselling, still refuses to notify his/her partner(s), and when health care providers are sure that notication will not entail harm to the index case. Prophylactic use of oral tri methoprim-sufamethoxazole, with aerosolized pentami dine as a less effective backup, is recommended to prevent P. A successful treatment is not a cure, although it results in suppression of viral replication. Once the decision to initiate antiretroviral treatment has been made, treatment should be aggressive with the goal of maximal viral suppression. In general, a protease inhibitor and two non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors should be used initially. Special considerations apply to adolescents and pregnant women, with specic treatment regimens for these patients. Health care organizations should have protocols that promote and facilitate prompt access to postexposure care and report ing of exposures. Disaster implications: Emergency personnel should follow the same universal precautions as health workers. If latex gloves are not available and skin surfaces comes into contact with blood, this should be washed off as soon as possible. Masks, visors and protective clothing are indicated when performing procedures that may involve spurting or splashing of blood or bloody uids. The lesions, rmly indurated areas of purulence and brosis, spread slowly to contiguous tissues; eventually, draining sinuses may appear and penetrate to the surface. Clinical ndings and culture allow distinction between actinomycosis and actino mycetoma, which are very different diseases. All species are Gram-positive, non acid-fast, anaer obic to microaerophilic higher bacteria that may be part of normal oral ora. Men and women of all races and age groups may be affected; frequency is maximal between 15 and 35 years; the M:F ratio is approxi mately 2:1. Cases in cattle, horses and other animals are caused by other Actinomyces species. In the normal oral cavity, the organisms grow as saprophytes in dental plaque and in tonsillar crypts, without apparent penetration or cellular response in adjacent tissues. From the oral cavity, the organism may be aspirated into the lung or introduced into jaw tissues through injury, extraction of teeth or mucosal abrasion. Preventive measures: Maintenance of oral hygiene, particu larly removal of accumulating dental plaque, will reduce risk of oral infection. Prolonged administration of penicillin in high doses is usually effective; tetracycline, erythromycin, clindamycin and cephalosporins are alternatives. The parasite may act as a commensal or invade the tissues and give rise to intestinal or extraintestinal disease. Most infections are asymptomatic but may become clinically important under certain circum stances. Intestinal disease varies from acute or fulminating dysentery with fever, chills and bloody or mucoid diarrhea (amoebic dysentery), to mild abdominal discomfort with diarrhea containing blood or mucus, alternat ing with periods of constipation or remission. Amoebic granulomata (amoeboma), sometimes mistaken for carcinoma, may occur in the wall of the large intestine in patients with intermittent dysentery or colitis of long duration. Ulceration of the skin, usually in the perianal region, occurs rarely by direct extension from intestinal lesions or amoebic liver ab scesses; penile lesions may occur in active homosexuals. Dissemination via the bloodstream may occur and produce abscesses of the liver, less commonly of the lung or brain. Amoebic colitis is often confused with forms of inammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis; care should be taken to distinguish the two since corticosteroids may exacerbate amoebic colitis. Conversely, the presence of amoebae may be misinterpreted as the cause of diarrhea in a person whose primary enteric illness is the result of another condition. Diagnosis is by microscopic demonstration of trophozoites or cysts in fresh or suitably preserved fecal specimens, smears of aspirates or scrapings obtained by proctoscopy or aspirates of abscesses or sections of tissue. Examination should be done on fresh specimens by a trained microscopist since the organism must be differentiated from nonpathogenic amoebae and macrophages. Examination of at least 3 specimens will increase the yield of organisms from 50% in a single specimen to 85% 90%.
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Low-dose aspirin use for the prevention of morbidity and mortality from preeclampsia: U prostate numbers what do they mean discount alfuzosin 10 mg with visa. In a meta-analysis of five of gestation were allocated to expectant management or randomized controlled trials comparing metformin treat induction of labor. The latter option was associated with ment (n5611) with placebo and control (n5609), no a significant reduction in a composite of adverse maternal difference in the risk of preeclampsia was found outcome including new-onset severe preeclampsia, (combined/pooled risk ratio, 0. In ondary outcome in most studies in this meta-analysis, the addition, no differences in rates of neonatal complica effect of metformin needs to be assessed by a study de tions or cesarean delivery were reported by the authors signed to evaluate the reduction in the prevalence of pre (107). These drugs are not recommended for growth, weekly antepartum testing, close monitoring of this indication outside of the context of clinical trials. The frequency of these tests may be modified tational hypertension or preeclampsia Fol lowing the initial documentation of proteinuria and the establishment of the diagnosis of preeclampsia, addi Delivery Versus Expectant Management tional quantifications of proteinuria are no longer neces At the initial evaluation, a complete blood count with sary. Women should be advised to immediately report evaluation of possible preeclampsia superimposed upon any persistent, concerning, or unusual symptoms. Subsequent after diagnosis, whereas in women with preeclampsia management will depend on the results of the evaluation without severe features, the progression to severe pre and gestational age. How with a preterm fetus if she has gestational hypertension or ever, limited-to-no data exist regarding when to start preeclampsia without severe features (21). These complications are more likely to syndrome, placental abruption, fetal growth restriction occur in the presence of preexistent medical disorders. Conditions Precluding Expectant expectant management is associated with higher ges Management tational age at delivery and improved neonatal out Maternal comes (110, 111). In contrast, in c Persistent headaches, refractory to treatment c Epigastric pain or right upper pain unresponsive a multicenter randomized controlled trial in Latin to repeat analgesics America, the authors found no neonatal benefit with c Visual disturbances, motor deficit or altered expectant management of preeclampsia with severe sensorium features from 28 weeks to 34 weeks of gestation c Stroke (114). Close maternal and fetal Fetal clinical monitoring is necessary, and laboratory testing (complete blood count including platelets, liver enzymes, c Abnormal fetal testing and serum creatinine) should be performed serially (115). During expectant management, delivery considered depending on gestational age and maternal is recommended at any time in the case of deterioration severity of illness. If delivery is indicated at less than 34 0/7 weeks of gestation, administration of corticosteroids for fetal lung maturation is recommended (115); however, delaying severe features (Box 3) is diagnosed at or beyond 34 0/7 delivery for optimal corticosteroid exposure may not weeks of gestation, after maternal stabilization or with always be advisable. Delivery should may preclude completion of the course of steroid treat not be delayed for the administration of steroids in the ment. In the setting of normal fetal In women with preeclampsia with severe features parameters (eg, amniotic fluid volume, Doppler findings, at less than 34 0/7 weeks of gestation, with stable antenatal fetal testing), continuation of expectant man maternal and fetal condition, expectant management agement may be reasonable in the absence of other, may be considered. Inpatient Versus Blood pressure measurements and symptom assessment Outpatient Management are recommended serially, using a combination of in clinic and ambulatory approaches, with at least one visit Ambulatory management at home is an option only for per week in-clinic. Hospitalization is appropriate for Intrapartum Management women with severe features and for women in whom In addition to appropriate management of labor and adherence to frequent monitoring is a concern. Because delivery, the two main goals of management of women assessment of blood pressure is essential for this clinical with preeclampsia during labor and delivery are 1) condition, health care providers are encouraged to follow prevention of seizures and 2) control of hypertension. Seizure Prophylaxis Having a blood pressure cuff that is too small or too large the prevention of eclampsia is empirically based on the may result in erroneous evaluations. To reduce inaccurate concept of timely delivery, as previously discussed, once readings, an appropriate size cuff should be used (length preeclampsia has been diagnosed. The prevent seizures in women with preeclampsia with severe blood pressure level should be taken with an features and eclampsia. In the Magpie study, a random appropriately-sized cuff with the patient in an upright ized placebo-controlled trial with 10,110 participants position after a 10-minute or longer rest period. For (two thirds originating from developing countries), the patients in the hospital, the blood pressure can be taken seizure rate was reduced overall by more than one half with either the patient sitting up or in the left lateral with this treatment. There were no differences in maternal mor ded, during which frequent fetal and maternal evaluation bidity or perinatal mortality. In women with gestational hypertension or (total n5357) allocated women with preeclampsia with preeclampsia without severe features, weekly evaluation out severe features to either placebo or magnesium sul of platelet count, serum creatinine, and liver enzyme fate and reported no cases of eclampsia among women levels is recommended. In addition, for women with allocated to placebo and no significant differences in the gestational hypertension, once weekly assessment of proportion of women that progressed to severe pre proteinuria is recommended. However, given the small sample be repeated sooner if disease progression is a concern. In size, the results of these studies cannot be used for clin addition, women should be asked about symptoms of ical guidance (122, 123). However, women need to be treated to prevent one case of infusion rates in excess of 2 g/hour have been associated eclampsia in asymptomatic cases, whereas in symptom with increased perinatal mortality in a systematic review atic cases (severe headache, blurred vision, photophobia, of randomized studies of magnesium sulfate used for hyperreflexia, epigastric pain), the number needed to tocolysis (132). For women requiring cesarean delivery magnesium sulfate for seizure prophylaxis in patients (before onset of labor), the infusion should ideally begin with preeclampsia without severe features should be before surgery and continue during surgery, as well as for determined by the physician or institution, considering 24 hours afterwards. For women who deliver vaginally, patient values or preferences, and the unique risk the infusion should continue for 24 hours after delivery. The treatment of seizures in women with gestational hyper medication can be mixed with 1 mL of xylocaine 2% tension and preeclampsia with severe features or eclamp solution because the intramuscular administration is sia (124, 125). The rate of adverse effects is also higher with the Magnesium sulfate is more effective than phenytoin, intramuscular administration (44). The adverse effects of diazepam, or nimodipine (a calcium-channel blocker magnesium sulfate (respiratory depression and cardiac used in clinical neurology to reduce cerebral vasospasm) arrest) come largely from its action as a smooth muscle in reducing eclampsia and should be considered the drug relaxant. Deep tendon reflexes are lost at a serum mag of choice in the prevention of eclampsia in the intra nesium level of 9 mg/dL (7 mEq/L), respiratory depres partum and postpartum periods (119, 126, 127). Benzo sion occurs at 12 mg/dL (10 mEq/L), and cardiac arrest at diazepines and phenytoin are justified only in the context 30 mg/dL (25 mEq/L). Accordingly, provided deep ten of antiepileptic treatment or when magnesium sulfate is don reflexes are present, more serious toxicity is avoided. In patients with mild renal failure between toxicity and plasma concentration of magne (serum creatinine 1. Seizures occur even with magnesium at dose, such as 4 g, may be associated with subtherapeutic a therapeutic level, whereas several trials using infusion levels for at least 4 hours after loading (133). In cases rates of 1 g/hour, frequently associated with subtherapeu with renal dysfunction, laboratory determination of tic magnesium levels, were able to significantly reduce serum magnesium levels every 4 hours becomes neces the rate of eclampsia or recurrent convulsions (44, 130). Magnesium sulphate regimens for women with eclampsia: messages from the Collaborative Eclampsia Trial. Thus, the objectives of treating severe hypertension are to any of these agents can be used to treat acute severe prevent congestive heart failure, myocardial ischemia, hypertension in pregnancy (135, 136). Although par renal injury or failure, and ischemic or hemorrhagic enteral antihypertensive therapy may be needed ini stroke. Antihypertensive treatment should be initiated tially for acute control of blood pressure, oral expeditiously for acute-onset severe hypertension medications can be used as expectant management is (systolic blood pressure of 160 mm Hg or more or continued. Oral labetalol and calcium channel blockers diastolic blood pressure of 110 mm Hg or more, or have been commonly used. One approach is to begin both) that is confirmed as persistent (15 minutes or an initial regimen of labetalol at 200 mg orally every more). If the maximum dose is inadequate to achieve the antihypertensive therapy as soon as reasonably possi desired blood pressure goal, or the dosage is limited by ble after the criteria for acute-onset severe hyperten adverse effect, then short-acting oral nifedipine can be sion are met. Monitoring for Disease Progression and severity of hypotension did not appear to be increased with spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery Because the clinical course of gestational hypertension or in women with preeclampsia with severe features (n 5 preeclampsia without severe features can evolve during 65) compared with women without preeclampsia (143). This should include monitoring of blood pres hypotension was higher in the spinal group (51% versus sure and symptoms during labor and delivery as well as 23%) but was easily treated and of short duration (less immediately after delivery.
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Excessive bleeding at the time of operation usually arises because of trauma to an aberrant vessel or paratonsillar vein prostate 8-k run eugene oregon generic alfuzosin 10 mg otc. Reactionary haemorrhage usually arises as a result of slipping of a ligature or because of the postoperative rise in blood pressure. Sometimes, the tonsillar aetiology and pathogenesis of peritonsillar pillars may need to be stitched over a pack to abscess. A antiseptic mouth washes are given in addition review of peritonsillar abscess has been under to bed rest. A mixed bacterial flora of Peritonsillar abscess is a complication of acute streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci or chronic tonsillitis. Alternatively, the intersection of an ima ginary line drawn from the base of the uvula and another imaginary line drawn along the anterior faucial pillar is the site of drainage. The tip of a guarded sharp scalpel can be used to make an incision and the abscess drained by sinus forceps. Anaesthesia is not Clinical Features needed as the pain is already intense and a the condition usually affects adolescents and sharp stab for the drainage does not add to it. The patient complains of Besides drainage, heavy doses of antibiotics, unilateral throat pain after a few days of sore usually coamoxiclox or clindamycin are throat. The pain gradually becomes severe and prescribed in addition to antiseptic mouth may radiate to the ear. There is a unilateral swelling of the palate and pillars on the side Abscess tonsillectomy (Quinsy tonsillectomy) this of the abscess. The tonsil is displaced down procedure of draining the peritonsillar abscess wards and medially. The oedematous uvula by removing the tonsil has been advocated by is pushed towards the opposite side with its some surgeons. It is done on the assumption tip usually pointing to the side of the that since the tonsil forms the medial wall of 290 Textbook of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases the abscess, therefore, tonsillectomy would because of extension of this abscess to the give drainage to the abscess as well as save parapharyngeal space. Extension of the inflammatory process However, this procedure is not favoured as from the peritonsillar space can lead to the abscess may rupture during anaesthesia laryngeal oedema with resultant asphyxia. Systemic infection with the development of Besides as the tissues are acutely inflamed, septicaemia and multiple abscesses may there occurs severe bleeding and chances of occur. Peritonsillitis Complications of Peritonsillar Abscess It is a stage in the development of peritonsillar the abscess may rupture spontaneously and abscess before the pus formation. Spread of features are those of severe tonsillitis with infection to the parapharyngeal space can trismus. Heavy doses of antibiotics cure the even a carotid artery rupture can occur condition and prevent abscess formation. As the child grows, the size of the nasopharyngeal tonsils diminishes and they disappear by puberty. Clinical Features Hypertrophied nasopharyngeal tonsils may produce symptoms because of their size. There is a dull look, pin material in the nasopharynx and nocturnal ched nostrils, open mouth, narrow maxillary cough because of postnasal discharge. Complications of Adenoids Throat examination reveals postnasal discharge and in a cooperative child, poste these include recurrent attacks of otitis media, rior rhinoscopy shows enlarged mass of secretory otitis media, maxillary sinusitis and 292 Textbook of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Fig. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia and oral intubation is preferred. Besides, such the adenoid curette is held in the right hand and passed behind the soft palate to the patients are likely to encounter speech posterior end of the nasal septum. Chronic infection may lead to the against the roof of the nasopharynx to engage the adenoid mass. A second stroke may be needed Conservative management includes decon to clear the roof. The postnasal cavity is packed for a few Surgery the operation of adenoidectomy is minutes to stop the bleeding. Postoperatively advocated if the size of adenoids is interfering antibiotics and nasal decongestants are with the nasal and eustachian tube function prescribed. The main complication of surgery is Adenoidectomy may be needed if the ade haemorrhage. Primary haemorrhage usually noids are thought to be the cause of recurrent occurs due to leftover adenoid tags which may upper respiratory tract infection or recurrent need further curettage. Secondary haemorrhage occurs due usually coexist, the operation of adenoidec to infection and is treated by rest and tomy is done in the same sitting as the antibiotics. Pulmonary complications like Adenoids 293 pneumonia, collapse or abscess may arise atlantoaxial joint, though a rare complication because of aspiration of blood or adenoid may result because of trauma, infection, tissue tags. Subluxation of the 49 Pharyngeal Abscess Besides the peritonsillar abscess, infection lary space and inferiorly with the media from a tonsil can travel to the retropharyn stinum. It is divided into prestyloid and geal or parapharyngeal spaces and lead to poststyloid portions by the styloid process. Inferiorly this the retropharyngeal lymph nodes secondary space communicates with mediastinum. A retropharyngeal abscess develops Clinical Features because of infection in this space. The patient complains of fever, malaise and Parapharyngeal Space difficulty in swallowing. The abscess in the It is a lateral pharyngeal space which extends late stages may present with respiratory from the base of skull above to the level of difficulty. It is bounded medially by the fascia over the posterior pharyngeal wall may appear the pharynx and laterally by the fascia over bulging. X-ray of the soft tissues of the neck, the medial pterygoid muscle and the parotid shows a widened retropharyngeal space glands. The space communicates with ween the laryngotracheal air column and the retropharyngeal space and the submaxil anterior border of the cervical vertebra. Exami Treatment nation of the neck shows a diffuse tender swelling below the angle of the mandible on Systemic antibiotics are given. The patient is held supine on the table with the head end lowered to Treatment prevent aspiration of pus into the larynx. Vascular component: the great vascularity and abnormal structure of the vessel walls Tumours of the nasopharynx can be benign are striking. These are grouped as flattened endothelium and are devoid of follows: the muscular wall. It occurs almost exclusively pharynx, fills the nasopharyngeal space and in males between 10 and 25 years of age. It tumour tends to regress or stop growing after may extend to the pterygopalatine fossa and 25 years of age. It is thought that the lesion arises from the ventral periosteum of the skull Gradually increasing nasal obstruction and as a result of hormonal imbalance or recurrent attacks of epistaxis are the common persistence of embryonic tissue. Examination reveals a reddish vascular Pathology mass in the nasopharynx which may extend the tumour consists of two main components, into the nasal cavities. To avoid profusely on probing, therefore, probing or profuse bleeding, it is important to go around palpation of the nasopharynx should not be the tumour mass and remove it en masse. Cryosurgery and diathermy have been help ful in reducing the bleeding during operation. Radiotherapy is used for the X-rays of the nasopharynx base of the skull recurrent tumours and in patients unfit for and paranasal sinuses determine the extent of surgery. External carotid angiography Prior external carotid artery ligation may helps in its diagnosis (Tumour blush), to deter be done with the hope of reducing haemor mine the extent of tumours and to know the rhage. Malignant Tumours of Nasopharynx Differential Diagnosis Malignant tumours of the nasopharynx are more common than the benign ones of this 1. Various types of malignant tumours pale polypoidal mass in the nasopharynx, of the nasopharynx are classified as follows: unlike the firm, reddish, tumour mass with 1. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: this lesion coma usually presents as a friable, proliferative 3.
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A 24 hour Central Command post will be established at the Ministry of Health Headquarters. Once a case is confirmed the Laboratory shall inform the Virology Laboratory who will subsequently inform the Ministry of Health. Cases meeting the case definition will be referred to the treatment centers for assessment and management. Contacts will be followed up for signs of illness for 21 days from the last day of exposure to an Ebola patient. Person, Place and Time shall institute an epidemiological investigation in collaboration with Animal Health experts to ascertain the source of the infection and characterize the outbreak. The National Reference Virology Lab at the University Teaching Hospital shall coordinate the testing of samples by the Virology Laboratory at the University of Zambia School of Veterinary Medicine. All positive samples shall be sent to the National Institute of Communicable Diseases in South Africa for confirmatory testing. Depending on the scale of the outbreak, mobile laboratories will be deployed to maintain an acceptable turn-around-time for results. Patients will be transported to Ebola Treatment centers in specialized ambulances manned by qualified and adequately protected staff. Patients will be treated with honor and dignity while maintaining barrier nursing and the highest standards of Infection prevention. Trained staff will conduct supervised burials with sensitivity to the grieving families and local culture and traditions. Psychosocial assistance shall be offered to patients, families and health care workers. Social mobilization and Media communication Objective: Address community concerns and promote behaviors that minimize the risk of transmission in the community. Community leaders, government, politicians, religious leaders and other opinion makers will be targeted. The media will be provided with appropriate regular and timely messages on efforts to control the outbreak in order to win public trust and allay anxieties. Objective: To provide logistical support for maximal operation of epidemic response field activities 5. Personal Protective Equipment, drugs emergency kits, transport media and stationary will be procured. Strict inventory and supply chain management will be practiced to prevent stock-outs. Airtime and internet bundles will be provided to key field staff to facilitate communication 5. Vehicles will be mobilized to transport field supplies, staff to health facilities, for transfer of patients and for burial teams. Transport will also be required for teams conducting supervisory activities to the provinces, districts and health facilities. Security will be provided to Ebola Treatment Centers and where necessary to staff conducting outreach activities. The Ministry of Health will prepare a statement for submission to the Office of the Vice President on the end of the outbreak. All activities suspended under the Epidemic period will be allowed to resume following the announcement of the end of the outbreak. All Ministries and Government institutions shall compile a report on all preparedness and response activities undertaken. The Disaster Management Unit and the Ministry of Health shall consolidate all the reports into a single End of Epidemic Report. Electronic and hard copies of all documentation related to the management of the outbreak shall be kept on file for future reference. An evaluation of the response will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the response and the degree of implementation of the preparedness plan. The findings will provide a basis for strengthening the preparedness plan and refining the responses to any future outbreaks. A team comprising of representatives from selected line Ministries and other key stakeholders will be constituted to do the evaluation report. Epidemic preparedness activities shall be emphasized to ensure that the country is prepared to respond to any future outbreaks. Activities shall continue in the general context of epidemic preparedness and prevention of not just Ebola but other epidemic prone infectious diseases under the following themes: Coordination and Resource mobilization Epidemiology, surveillance and Laboratory strengthening Case Management and Infection Prevention Social Mobilization and Media communication Logistics and safety Recovery 6. Zambia is currently in Phase 1 (Pre-Epidemic phase), where there are no cases of Ebola in the Country. Personal Protective Equipment for use by health Care providers has been procured 9. All the measures in phase 1 will continue and in addition there will be specific phase two (2) measures. Ebola Cases in more than one (1) district, but confined to the same province 15 2. A postmortem of epidemic will be carried out and a terminal evaluation report will be written 3. Health personnel to man the Public Health Laboratory system will continue to be trained 7. Screen travel requests and restrict/stop international travelers from affected areas. Disseminate the travel advisory to foreign Inform respective consulate if missions in Zambia and Zambian missions confirmed case has foreign abroad. Communications Quick temporary isolation facilities (Conversion Converting existing infrastructure Maintenance of treatment of existing building). Coordination of other stakeholders that may want to put up treatment centres in order to ensure that they comply to set standards and regulations. Defence Provide primary isolation and treatment Shall be involved in contact tracing. Provide case management and infection Shall provide movement and Shall participate in the prevention. Shall provide support in the investigation and control measures Shall write detailed report to inform MoH on the situation at hand. Issuance of relevant circulars Draw up circulars on the end Cabinet Office regarding outbreak. Ensure circulars are drawn regarding a Ensure intensified sensitization of Advocate for resource particular phase. Emphasize on sensitization of staff regarding Ensure weekly meetings are held to travel abroad. Traditional funeral rites-such as handling of Continue sensitizing the dead bodies during funerals. Resource mobilisation (domestic and in Mobilise resources (domestic and in Mobilise resources (domestic collaboration with other partners). Social mobilisation to create awareness and Conduct disinfection of all isolation Report writing. In liaison with MoH, procure incinerators for Conduct safe burials in conjunction Continue Surveillance of any bio-medical waste management.
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The doctor may also provide a referral to a trained mental health professional mens health 6 week challenge alfuzosin 10 mg without prescription, such as a psychiatrist, who is experienced in diagnosing and treating bipolar disorder. The doctor or mental health professional should conduct a complete diagnostic evaluation. He or she should discuss any family history of bipolar disorder or other mental illnesses and get a complete history of symptoms. Unlike people with bipolar disorder, people who have unipolar depression do not experience mania. Whenever possible, previous records and input from family and friends should also be included in the medical history. But proper treatment helps most people with bipolar disorder gain better control of their mood swings and related symptoms. Because bipolar disorder is a lifelong and recurrent illness, people with the disor der need long-term treatment to maintain control of bipolar symptoms. An effective maintenance treatment plan includes medication and psychotherapy for preventing relapse and reducing symptom severity. In some states, clinical psychologists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and advanced psychiatric nurse special ists can also prescribe medications. Several different medica tions may need to be tried before the best course of treatment is found. Keeping a chart of daily mood symptoms, treatments, sleep patterns, and life events can help the doctor track and treat the illness most effectively. Some of the types of medications generally used to treat bipolar disorder are listed on the next page. Mood stabilizing medications are usually the rst choice to treat bipolar disorder. In general, people with bipolar disorder continue treatment with mood stabilizers for years. Anticonvulsant medications are usually used to treat seizures, but they also help control moods. It is often very effective in controlling symptoms of mania and preventing the recurrence of manic and depressive episodes. No large studies have shown that these medications are more effective than mood stabilizers. The warning states that their use may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. People taking anticonvulsant medications for bipolar or other illnesses should be closely monitored for new or worsening symptoms of depression, suicidal thoughts or behavior, or any unusual changes in mood or behavior. People taking these medications should not make any changes with out talking to their health care professional. Lithium and Thyroid Function People with bipolar disorder often have thyroid gland problems. Because too much or too little thyroid hormone can lead to mood and energy changes, it is important to have a doctor check thyroid levels carefully. A person with bipolar disorder may need to take thyroid medication, in addition to medications for bipolar disorder, to keep thyroid levels balanced. This condition can cause obesity, excess body hair, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, and other serious symptoms. Atypical antipsychotic medications are sometimes used to treat symptoms of bipolar disorder. Olanzapine can be used for maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder as well, even when a person does not have psychotic symptoms. However, some studies show that people taking olanzapine may gain weight and have other side effects that can increase their risk for diabetes and heart disease. These side effects are more likely in people taking olanzapine when compared with people prescribed other atypical antipsychotics. Aripiprazole is also used for maintenance treatment after a severe or sudden episode. As with olanzapine, aripiprazole also can be injected for urgent treatment of symptoms of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar disorder. Antidepressant medications are sometimes used to treat symptoms of depression in bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder who take antide pressants often take a mood stabilizer too. Some medications are better at treating one type of bipolar symptoms than another. For example, lamotrigine (Lamictal) seems to be helpful in controlling depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder. Before starting a new medication, people with bipolar disorder should talk to their doctor about the possible risks and benets. The psychiatrist prescribing the medication or phar macist can also answer questions about side effects. Over the last decade, treatments have improved, and some medications now have fewer or more tolerable side effects than earlier treatments. In some cases, side effects may not appear until a person has taken a medication for some time. If the person with bipolar disorder develops any severe side effects from a medi cation, he or she should talk to the doctor who prescribed it as soon as possible. People being treated for bipolar disorder should not stop taking a medication without talking to a doctor rst. Other uncomfortable or potentially dangerous withdrawal effects are also possible. Possible side effects to look for are depression that gets worse, suicidal thinking or behavior, or any unusual changes in behavior such as trouble sleeping, agitation, or withdrawal from normal social situations. The following sections describe some common side effects of the different types of medications used to treat bipolar disorder. If extremely bothersome or unusual side effects occur, tell your doctor as soon as possible. If a person with bipolar disorder is being treated with lithium, it is important to make regular visits to the treating doctor. Atypical Antipsychotics Some people have side effects when they start taking atypical antipsychotics. Most side effects go away after a few days and often can be managed success fully. People who are taking antipsychotics should not drive until they adjust to their new medication. Antidepressants the antidepressants most commonly prescribed for treating symptoms of bipolar disorder can also cause mild side effects that usually do not last long.
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Lateral nasal wall (including inferior two horizontal lines mens health quizzes purchase alfuzosin without prescription, one through the floor of turbinate). Ethmoid tumours: T2 Tumour having limited spread to the T Tumour confined to ethmoid with or1 same region or two adjacent horizon without bone erosion. Tumour involving three regions or T3 Tumour extends into anterior orbit compartments with or without and/or maxillary antrum orbital involvement. The N and M categories are the same as N1 Single clinically positive homolateral elsewhere. Maxillary sinus tumours: N3 Massive homolateral nodes, one more Primary tumour (T) than 6 cm in diameter, bilateral nodes Tx Minimum requirements to assess the or contralateral nodes. MxMinimum requirements to assess the T1 Tumour confined to antral mucosa of distant metastasis cannot be met. Tumours of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 233 Clinical Features Posteriorly the spread occurs to the pterygopalatine fossa and infratemporal fossa Malignancy of the paranasal sinuses usually resulting in trismus because of involvement presents in the late stages. Nasal obstruction and blood-stained dis Inferiorly the growth involves the oral charge or frank epistaxis may be the present cavity and palate. Dental pain is common and many times Lymphatic spread Lymphatics of the nose and such patients land in dental clinics for extrac paranasal sinuses drain first to retropharyn tions, without any relief. Palatal swelling and geal nodes, wherefrom these drain into the loosening of teeth may occur. The retro orbital pain and epiphora may be complained pharyngeal nodes are not palpable clinically. Detailed examination of the nose and naso Visible facial swelling, a bleeding friable mass pharynx should be supplemented by radio in the nose, fulness of the gingivobuccal logy and proof puncture. Radiological examinations: Plain views of the tosis and facial neuralgia should raise suspi paranasal sinuses like occipitomental view, cion of malignancy in the nose and paranasal occipitofrontal view, oblique view of the sinuses. An unresolving acute or chronic ethmoid and base of the skull are of limited sinusitis may occur as a result of an under value in diagnosis showing any bony lying malignant process. Medially, the growth initially pushing to depict swellings arising from deeper soft out the lateral wall of nose, may present in tissues of the face, intracranial compart the nose, wherefrom it may involve the ment and the orbit. Biopsy: Tissue is taken for histopathological the growth may spread to the cranial examination if growth is seen in the nose cavity from the nose and nasopharynx. Total maxillectomy is done for an operable and biopsy may be undertaken by the tumour involving the maxilla. The bony attach ments of the maxilla are broken and Because of late diagnosis and involvement of maxilla removed. For small limited adjacent structures, treatment of cancer of the tumours, partial maxillectomy may suffice. Extended maxillectomy: Maxillectomy may Surgery or radiotherapy alone have not be done along with orbital exentration, shown good results. Combined therapy excision of the skin, face or the soft tissues (surgery and radiotherapy) is the treatment in the infratemporal fossa if the growth of choice at present. Lateral rhinotomy: this operation is done for over 5 to 6 weeks, followed by surgical tumours limited to the nasal cavity and excision. An incision from the medial surgically followed by postoperative radio canthus follows the side of the nose into therapy. The periosteum is Surgical procedures the type of surgery elevated lateral bony wall of the nose performed depends upon the extent of invol broken and eradication of disease is done vement of the sinus and adjacent structures. Neck dissection: When metastasis is sus pected in neck nodes, maxillectomy may be done along with block dissection of the neck nodes on that side. Distant metastasis, inoperable metastatic nodes, involvement of the base of skull or nasopharynx are contraindications to surgical treatment. Chemotherapy Systemic anticancer drugs or intra-arterial chemotherapy through the external carotid artery may be given as adjuvant therapy and have only a palliative Fig. Primary malignant tumours of the frontal sinus and ethmoids are rare and when present are also treated by the combined regime. Miscellaneous: Such as sinus headache, In tension headache prompt and convincing cold-induced headache, glaucoma asso reassurance is vital. Post-traumatic headache following anxiolytics have a limited role, and all drugs severe head injury. Cervicogenic headache: Due to cervical periods under supervision, to prevent spondylosis and causing pain on one or habituation and drug-induced headache. Toxic headache: After exposure to Migraine is due to a vasomotor disturbance polluted environment, allergens, volatile of arteries of the head. The history taking session presenting in this form, but it should be Headache 237 remembered that it is the most common cause its low oral bioavailability, high incidence of of facial pain and is unlikely to have this clas headache recurrence and contraindication in sical presentation. Hence, eyes and cheek, nasal obstruction and the new 5th receptor agonists such as rhinorrhoea are common accompaniments of zelmitriptan, rizatriptan and nartriptan have pure migraine, and should not lure the become increasingly popular due to their otolaryngologist into thinking that nasal or better safety profiles. Management of migraine is divided into Prophylaxis abortive or symptomatic treatment for If the attacks occur more than twice each immediate relief of symptoms and prephy month, prophylactic agents such as calcium lactic therapy for prevention of attacks. Analgesics (paracetamol, naproxen or aspirin) should be taken immediately when the attack Cluster Headache begins and then repeated every 4 to 6 hours as necessary. Absorption is improved by Treatment is with ergotamine, or sumatriptan ingestion of antiemetics such as domperidone, given in anticipation of attacks or with 10 to 20 mg. In recent years serotonin (5th) methysergide or verapamil for the duration receptor agonists have been introduced for the of cluster. Oxygen, given at reversing the dilation of cranial vessels seen a rate of 6 to 8 litres/minute, often affords during migraine. Where dental teeth, periosteum, blood vessels and the disease is not obvious, but this story is present, articular fat pads within the temporomandi percussion of the teeth is a useful clinical bular joints. Pain in the face is a common presenting Temporomandibular joint strain is feature, and in history taking it is important common, and is due to the patient developing to find out about the type of pain, its distri an abnormal biting pattern, frequently secon bution, the duration of attacks, what stimu dary to orthodontic problems, or due to lates them, and about any features which ill-fitting or absent dentures. Skin pain is caused by tender when the mouth is opened and closed, boils, cuts, bruises and burns which should and some sideways deviation of the jaw on be obvious. If the patient is seen nose associated with acute viral infections is during an acute episode, slight spasm of the diagnosed by rhinoscopy, when an acutely masticatory muscles will be apparent. Radiography demonstrates that this is a Pain due to periosteal disease in the face is functional abnormality, as signs of joint caused by acute inflammation, cysts and degeneration are absent, but there can be limi tumours. The characteristic story that it is stimulated Infective pains have a vascular component, for by change of temperature, as in drinking hot example, the pain of acute sinusitis and a tooth Facial Neuralgia (Pain in the Face) 239 pulp infection are throbbing in character. Neuralgic pain arising in the the absence of signs of infection, one should absence of evidence of neurological disease think of migraine, migrainous neuralgia and occurs in postherpetic neuralgia, when there temporal arteritis. The trigeminal sensory derma male, aged between 25 and 40, and the attacks tome always encloses the painful parts, and of pain, which last for a short period varying the ophthalmic area is least often affected. Attacks can occur once or minutes, but it can progress to a period of pain more in 24 hours, and typically waken the lasting several hours. A group of very similar if the patient is seen during an acute attack, attacks can occur over several weeks or spasm of the muscles of the ipsilateral side of months, and disappear, only to return in a the face will be noted. The pain carbamazepine (Tegretol) starting with a dose is frequently precipitated by alcohol ingestion. It radio-frequency rhizotomy may be required is part of a giant-cell arteritis affecting many in patients uncontrolled by medical therapy. These patients have to diagnose because although it is uncommon, often consulted many specialists and have had its complications are serious, and it is innumerable unsuccessful trials of medical or amenable to treatment with systemic steroids. They are often depressed, Neuralgic pain is sharp and burning in but this can be as much a function of their character, and is interspersed with periods unremitting ailment as of psychological which are either free from pain or with a imbalance. It occurs in disease affect combination of psychotropic drugs and ing the nerves, when there will be evidence of psychotherapy giving the greatest chance of altered sensation either to light touch or to a success. It is a fibromuscular structure consisting of the following layers from without inwards: 1. Nasopharynx Nasopharyngeal Tonsil the part of pharynx which lies above the soft palate and behind the nasal cavity is called It is a collection of lymphoid tissue under the the nasopharynx.