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The court shall specify the evidence to be destroyed and may include further provisions in the order as the interests of justice require heart attack high dead end counterpart 5mg hytrin with mastercard. The court may order that further records be made before the evidence is destroyed. Judicial review of a final determination, finding, or conclusion of the administrator shall be governed by the administrative procedures act of 1969. The administrator, if funds are appropriated therefor, may carry out educational programs designed to prevent and deter misuse and abuse of controlled substances. In connection with these programs the administrator may: (a) Promote better recognition of the problems of misuse and abuse of controlled substances within the regulated industry and among interested groups and organizations in contributing to the reduction of misuse and abuse of controlled substances. The administrator shall encourage research on misuse and abuse of controlled substances. In connection with the research and furtherance of the enforcement of this article, the administrator may: (a) Establish methods to assess accurately the effects of controlled substances and identify and characterize those with potential for abuse. Persons who obtain this authorization are not compelled in a civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceeding to identify the individuals who are the subjects of research for which the authorization was obtained. Persons who obtain this authorization are exempt from state prosecution for possession and distribution of controlled substances to the extent of the authorization. The administrator may enter into contracts for educational and research activities without performance bonds. Pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facility does not include a qualifying patient or primary caregiver who possesses or cultivates marihuana in the manner prescribed in the Michigan medical marihuana act or an eligible patient who possesses pharmaceutical-grade cannabis in the manner prescribed in this article. The fee authorized under this subsection is in addition to any fee authorized under article 7. All fees permitted under this section shall be delivered to the state treasurer on a monthly basis for deposit in the pharmaceutical-grade cannabis fund. The schedule shall include a description of each activity or service and the maximum fee charged for that activity or service. The department shall include a statement of the rationale used in determining the fees contained in the schedule. The department shall revise the fee schedule from time to time so that the amount of fees collected under this article does not exceed the amount necessary to fund the duties of the department under this article. In addition to the fees described in section 8111, the state treasurer may receive money or other assets from any source for deposit into the fund. Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund. The rules shall address, but are not required to be limited to addressing, all of the following subjects: (a) If not specifically provided for in this article, activities necessary for the compliance with or enforcement of or activities that constitute a violation of this article, including, but not limited to , procedures and grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking a license or registration card under this article. However, implementation and enforcement of this article shall not occur sooner than 180 days after that federal authority reschedules marihuana. The department shall establish a pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facility registry. The registry shall be an online database that contains information regarding the pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facilities licensed under part 82. By January 31 of each calendar year, the department shall submit to the legislature an annual report for the previous calendar year that contains all of the following information: (a) the total amount of fees collected under this article. The department may issue an enhanced pharmaceutical-grade cannabis card to an eligible patient who is less than 18 years of age, who is recommended by 2 physicians to obtain a registration card, and who properly applies for that card or if his or her parent or guardian properly applies for that card on his or her behalf. Before issuing a card to an eligible patient under this section, the department shall determine whether the individual has previously been convicted of a felony violation for illegally manufacturing, creating, distributing, possessing, or using a controlled substance or conspiring or attempting to manufacture, create, distribute, possess, or use a controlled substance in this state or elsewhere. If the individual has previously been convicted of a felony violation for illegally manufacturing, creating, distributing, possessing, or using a controlled substance or conspiring or attempting to manufacture, create, distribute, possess, or use a controlled substance in this state or elsewhere, the department shall not issue a registration card to that individual. A prescription for pharmaceutical-grade cannabis shall not allow the individual to whom the prescription is issued to obtain more than 2. Pharmaceutical-grade cannabis must be kept only in the original packaging or container provided by the manufacturer or by the dispensing pharmacy. However, subject to subsection (5) and section 8153, information shall be released for statistical purposes only. However, an individual eligible patient identity that is necessary for use in a specific ongoing investigation conducted in accordance with this act may be retained in the system until the end of the year in which the necessity for retention of the identity ends. To protect the health, safety, and welfare of residents of this state, the department shall license facilities under this article to cultivate, manufacture, and test pharmaceutical-grade cannabis in this state. The department shall implement, administer, and enforce this article to ensure that a safe, pure, dosage-consistent grade of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis is available to eligible patients who are residents of this state. The department shall submit the fingerprints to the department of state police for the purpose of conducting a fingerprint-based criminal history check. Fingerprints shall be submitted in a form and manner prescribed by the department of state police and shall be subject to normal fingerprinting fees. The department of state police shall forward the fingerprints to the federal bureau of investigation for the purpose of conducting a fingerprint-based criminal history check. The department may acquire a name-based criminal history check for an applicant who has twice submitted to a fingerprint-based criminal history check under this part and whose fingerprints are unclassifiable. An applicant who has previously submitted fingerprints under this part may request that the fingerprints on file be used. The department shall use the information resulting from the fingerprint-based criminal history check to investigate and determine whether an applicant is qualified to hold a license under this article. The department may verify any of the information an applicant is required to submit. The department of state police shall retain a copy of the fingerprint images and shall notify the department in the event that a licensee under this article is arrested or convicted. The federal bureau of investigation may retain a copy of the fingerprint images to provide notification if a licensee under this article is arrested or convicted. When notified of an updated arrest or conviction, the department shall determine whether a licensee is still qualified to hold a license under this article. The department shall notify the department of state police to deactivate notification when an individual ceases to be a licensee under this article. The department may delegate the duty of inspections for approval or renewal of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facility licenses to a local health department that has the technical and other capabilities to protect the public health, safety, and welfare in this field. The delegation shall not take place unless the department has first consulted with an ad hoc committee that shall be appointed by the department for the purpose of advising on that delegation. Membership on the ad hoc committee shall include representatives of the department, local public health agencies, and an association that represents the pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facilities that would be subject to the inspections. If delegated under this section, the state shall reimburse each local health department the full amount of the fees collected, as reimbursement for the cost of inspection, on vouchers certified by the local health officer and approved by the department. Not later than the thirtieth day before the expiration of an annual license under this part, a person operating a pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facility seeking relicensure shall apply for license renewal and shall pay a fee as prescribed in this article. Upon compliance by an applicant for license renewal with the requirements of this article and payment of the license renewal fee, the department shall issue a renewal license. A pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facility shall establish legal control of its physical location. A licensed facility shall keep records of its activities under this subsection in order to verify its compliance to the department. A pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facility may be a profit or nonprofit entity. A pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facility may operate on any calendar days of the week, but shall do all of the following: (a) Prohibit smoking or consumption of marihuana on its premises. Evidence of a violation of this act or rules promulgated under this act discovered under this subsection may be seized and used in an administrative or court proceeding. The report shall be in writing and shall include the name and address of each pharmacist, retail pharmacy, and pharmaceutical-grade cannabis licensed facility to which the pharmaceutical-grade cannabis is sold. A report under this sub-section may be transmitted electronically, if the transmission is ultimately reduced to writing. The order shall recite the existence of the emergency and the facts supporting a determination of the need to protect public health, safety, and welfare. A person to whom the order is directed shall comply immediately but, on application to the department, shall be afforded a hearing within 15 days. On the basis of the hearing, the order of summary suspension shall be continued, modified, or dissolved not later than 30 days after the hearing. The department may suspend or revoke a license for any violation by the licensee, a board member, an agent, or an employee of the licensed facility or of any of the terms, conditions, or provisions of the license issued by the department.
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If it were the last play in the ball game and 15 yards were needed for a touchdown heart attack 80 blockage proven hytrin 1 mg, the pass would be the play of choice. Four times out of 20 a pass gained 15 yards or more, whereas a run never came close. Some investors looking for a chance of a big gain will engage in speculative ventures where the risk is large but so, too, is the potential payoff. Others pursue a strategy of investments in blue chip stocks, where the proceeds do not fluctuate like a yo-yo. A bridge is designed to handle a maximum rather than an average load; transportation systems and public utilities (such as gas, electric, water) must be prepared to meet peak rather than average demand in order to avoid shortages and outages. Often the signal of interest in psychological research is a measure of central tendency, such as the mean, median, or mode. Two of the most frequently used and most valuable measures of central tendency in psychological research are the mean and median. Both tell us something about the central values or typical measure in a distribution of scores. However, because they are defined differently, these measures often take on different values. The mean, commonly known as the arithmetic average, consists of the sum of all scores divided by the number of scores. Symbolically, this is shown as X X = in which X is the mean; the sign directs us to sum the values of the variable X. Since the sum of yards gained on the ground is also 80 and n is 20, the mean yards gained per carry is also 4. If we had information only about the mean, our choice between a pass or a run would be up for grabs. When considering the pass play, where the variability is high, the mean is hardly a precise indicator of the typical gain (or loss). Here, where variability is low, we see that more of the individual measures are near the mean. Thus, if we had one running play that gained 88 yards, the sum of gains would be 160, n would equal 21, and the mean would be 8. The median is a particularly useful measure of central tendency when there are extreme scores at one end of a distribution. The median, unlike the mean, is unaffected by these scores; thus, it is more likely than the mean to be representative of central tendency in a skewed distribution. Variables that have restrictions at one end of a distribution but not at the other are prime candidates for the median as a measure of central tendency. A few examples are time scores (0 is the theoretical lower limit and there is no limit at the upper end), income (no one earns less than 0 but some earn in the millions), and number of children in a family (many have 0 but only one is known to have achieved the record of 69 by the same mother). A rarely used measure of central tendency, the mode simply represents the most frequent score in a distribution. The mode does not consider the values of any scores other than the most frequent score. The mode is most useful when summarizing data measured on a nominal scale of measurement. It can also be valuable to describe a multimodal distribution, one in which the scores tend to occur most frequently around 2 or 3 points in the distribution. To complete the description, it is necessary to have some idea of how the scores are distributed about the central value. If they are widely dispersed, as with the pass plays, we say that variability is high. If they are distributed compactly about the central value, as with the running plays, we refer to the variability as low. Just as we needed a quantitative measure of centrality, so also do we require a quantitative index of variability. One simple measure of variability is the range, defined as the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution. As you can see, the range provides a quick estimate of the variability of the two distributions. At times this may convey misleading impressions of total variability, particularly if one or both of these extreme scores are rare or unusual occurrences. For this and other reasons, the range finds limited use as a measure of variability. Two closely related measures of variability overcome these disadvantages of the range: variance and standard deviation. Indeed, both are based on the squared deviations of the scores in the distribution from the mean of the distribution. Note that the symbols and formulas for variance and standard deviation are those that use sample data to provide estimates of variability in the population. This is apparent in all three measures of variability (range, variance, standard deviation). Also notice that the variance is based on the squared deviations of scores from the mean and that the standard deviation is simply the square root of the variance. For most sets of scores that are measured on an interval or ratio scale of measurement, the standard deviation is the preferred measure of variability. Conceptually, you should think of standard deviation as on average, how far scores are from the mean. Approximately 68% of the scores lie between the mean and +1 standard deviation, approximately 95% of the scores lie between +2 standard deviations, and approximately 98% of the scores lie between +3 standard deviations. Note that these areas under the normal curve can be translated into probability statements. Thus, the probability of selecting a score that falls between 1 and 2 standard deviations above the mean is 0. Similarly, the probability of selecting a score 2 or more standard deviations below the mean is 0. Many of the variables with which psychologists concern themselves are normally distributed, such as standardized test scores. What is perhaps of greater significance for the researcher is the fact that distributions of sample statistics tend toward normality as sample size increases. Thus, if you were to select a large number of samples of fixed sample size, say n = 30, from a nonnormal distribution, you would find that separate plots of their means, medians, standard deviations, and variances would be approximately normal. In research, it represents the noisy background out of which we are trying to detect a coherent signal. Is it not clear that the mean is a more coherent representation of the typical results of a running play than is the mean of a 10 9 pass play When variability is large, it is simply more difficult to regard a measure of central tendency as a dependable guide to representative performance. This task is very much like distinguishing two or more radio signals in the presence of static. In this analogy, the effects of the experimental variable (treatment) represent the radio signals, and the variability is the static (noise). If the radio signal is strong, relative to the static, it is easily detected; but if the radio signal is weak, relative to the static, the signal may be lost in a barrage of noise. In short, two factors are commonly involved in assessing the effects of an experimental variable: a measure of centrality, such as the mean, median, or proportion; and a measure of variability, such as the standard deviation. Broadly speaking, the investigator exercises little control over the measure of centrality. If the effect of the treatment is large, the differences in measures of central tendency will generally be large. The lower the unsystematic variability (random error), the more sensitive is our statistical test to treatment effects. Tables and Graphs Raw scores, measures of central tendency, and measures of variability are often presented in tables or graphs. Tables and graphs provide a user-friendly way of summarizing information and revealing patterns in the data.
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Student-athletes arrhythmia fatigue cheap hytrin 2 mg line, coaches and staff tend to cense number within their state of practice. As a result, defned in most states, includes academic preparation, student-athletes often avoid disclosing a mental health training, supervision and experience within a specifc concern, especially if the perceived negative consequence domain (for example, child psychology, forensic psy includes being rejected by teammates or coaches due to chology). As sports medicine and athletic training have providers for collegiate student-athletes. However, a few programs train students to be continues to focus on concepts such doctoral-level psychologists and provide graduate training/ experience in the domain of sport psychology (the Univer as performance excellence and sity of North Texas and Indiana University, Bloomington, do so, for example, both in counseling psychology). Because collegiate ath letics continues to focus on concepts such as performance coaches fnds college athletics excellence and mental toughness, the realm of motiva tional gurus and mental coaches fnds college athletics a prime target for their services, a prime target for their services, and they may very well and they may very well ignore, ignore, minimize or neglect the real issues of psychological health. Providing do not have the budget to develop a full-time position a psychologist as part of the support staff also helps to with benefts often choose this model. This model does University counseling centers offer unique services and not employ or retain an in-house provider; rather, it benefts to student-athletes, including professionals who identifes a specifc provider within the community or are highly skilled in treating the mental health concerns counseling center that will take referrals for student-ath common to college students and who are of diverse back lete psychological issues. Vincent Sports Performance in Indianapolis and a counseling sport psychologist and coordinator of sport psychology services for the Purdue University athletics department. He is currently the consulting sport psychologist for the Indiana Pacers and has previously been the counseling sport psychologist for Indiana University, Bloomington, the Ohio State University and Washington State University. Jamie Davidson is a licensed psychologist with more than 20 years of clinical practice in higher education. He serves as the associate vice president for student wellness at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, after having previously been the director of student counseling and psychological services there. The time, energy and effort put into develop disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder are less like ing skills in a given sport can result in imbalances in other ly to be sports-related but are still common. Developmental and environmental infuenc Many athletes can experience anxiety that is either relat es shape emotional, motor and social aspects of the brain. Medical problems and sub the average age for onset of depression is approxi stance-induced conditions need to be ruled out before the mately 22, but it is decreasing. The most common dent-athletes associated with performance are extraver emotions are anger, anxiety, sadness and guilt. Alcohol and drug the severity of the symptoms can result in limitations use commonly co-occur with mental health problems. The triad of impaired eating, amenorrhea and Ritalin)] is an increasing problem for student-athletes, es osteoporosis are the classic features in females. An individual who suf Eating disorders are more common in gymnastics and fers from an impulse control problem might exhibit epi swimming/diving, which are judged on aesthetics, and in sodes of aggression, fghting, and risky sexual behavior. Muscle dysmorphia is a sub of an emotional issue and occur more commonly in type that is characterized by an unhealthy preoccupation collision sports. Many warn leads to chronic functional impairment (or pain) in a stu ing signs emerge before suicide attempts that are often dent-athlete may manifest as a psychosomatic condition. There may be pressure to play the challenge for any athletics department is to be through the pain for fear of loss of a position or status. An aware of mental health issues and be trained to spot them athlete who is injured may experience a loss of identity. Untreated mental health problems result career bring challenges that have multiple associations to in undue suffering, diminished positive affect and bal physical health, mental health and emotional well-being ance in life. He is a former high school and college football quarterback (Hastings College) and has spent a number of years working with col lege student-athletes while serving as consulting sport psychiatrist at the University of Nebraska. They tend to live healthier lives than studies suggest a strong genetic predisposition to develop non-athletes, and they gain skills in teamwork, discipline an eating disorder, and that these disorders aggregate in and decision-making that their non-athlete peers may not. Once the disorder begins, sociocultural pressures usually plays in accounting for all physical activity, as well as to fuel assist in maintaining the disorder. Also, from a sociocultur normal bodily processes of health, growth and development. In society and sport, the relationship between body image and body dissat athletes are often expected to display a particular body size isfaction in female student-athletes is more conficted and or shape that becomes characteristic of a particular sport, confused than in the general population. Identifcation by dent-athletes are conficted about having a muscular body coaches is sometimes infuenced by sport performance, and that facilitates sport performance but may not conform to student-athletes are less likely to be identifed if their sport the socially desired body type and may be perceived as be performance is good. They may resist due to a concern that having a men bone density and increased risk of bone injuries, tal health problem will result in a loss of status or playing including stress fractures. Given these common reasons personality characteristics/behaviors similar to those of eat to resist treatment, motivation for treatment and recovery is ing disorder patients (such as perfectionism and excessive particularly important. Regarding treatment motivation, re training) may be misperceived as good athlete traits. As a special subpopulation of eating-disor recovery from their eating disorder found the desire to be der patients, student-athletes need specialized approaches to healthy enough to perform in sport to be most helpful. Given the prevalence of eating disorders in the college Recommended treatment differences relate to treatment and sport populations, athletics departments are encour staff. Treatment professionals working with student-ath aged to develop a treatment protocol for student-athletes letes need experience and expertise in treating eating disor with eating disorders. Do you have a sense how to identify when a the protocol should also include recommendations re student-athlete is engaged in disordered eating Education is the frst step in prevention, but more about weight and body composition Coach Coaches and other sport personnel are encouraged to im es and others in the sport environment are urged to recognize prove their identifcation skills, as well as their skills in mak that such an emphasis on weight or leanness puts the stu ing an appropriate referral for an evaluation and treatment. Such training can be made available to coaches, athletic Finally, the stigma associated with seeking mental health trainers and other sport personnel, and can be endorsed and treatment must be eliminated. These feelings usually are accompanied While everybody experiences some of these symptoms by consequent or complicating physical symptoms from time to time, student-athletes with anxiety disor (such as racing/pounding heart, shortness of breath). Specifcally, anxi ommended that the provider know the emotional construct ety has a unique set of properties that distinguishes it from of anxiety and understand basic treatments, interventions other emotions. Specifcally, an event occurs in which the individual connects a signal to a noxious event. The sense of relief ultimately serves as a reward to the person, which reinforces the notion to avoid the noxious event. In other words, the more the person avoids dogs, the more fearful he/she will become of dogs. If an elicited fear for a student-athlete is never extinguished, then avoidance will continue to be reinforced because it provides relief. Emotional experiences fall on a quantitative spectrum (low to high intensity) as well as a qualitative spectrum (healthy to unhealthy). Because the demands on student-athletes are somewhat unique, any fear and avoidance problems must be assessed differently. Think about and name the differences between treat a physical injury: as a health problem in need of normal anxiety and anxiety disorder. At what point diagnosis, treatment and potentially ongoing man would you refer a student-athlete to a mental health agement by a specialist health care provider. Goldman provides direct patient care to the student-athletes as well as consulting services for the coaches and staf. Like nose and treat the disorder most closely corresponding to the campuses with which they are affliated, athletics de the symptoms of the individual.
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The rationale for the administration of a NaF tablet supplement during pregnancy and postnatally in a private practice setting. Elevated serum parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in lactating women nursing twins. Calcium metabolism in post menopausal osteoporosis: the influence of dietary calcium and net absorbed calcium. Effect of dietary calcium and age on jejunal calcium absorption in humans studied by intestinal perfusion. Influence of dietary calcium to phosphorus and parathormone during the first two weeks of life. Fluoride inhibition of enolase activity in vivo and its relationship to the inhibition of glucose-6-P formation in Streptococcus sali varius. Computer-assisted self-inter viewing: A multimedia approach to dietary assessment. Low serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D concentrations and secondary hyperparathyroidism in middle-aged white strict vegetarians. Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium concentrations in plasma during first week of life and their relation to type of milk feed. Validation estimates of energy intake by weighted dietary record and diet history in children and adolescents. Risk of myocardial infarction in Finnish men in relation to fluoride, magnesium and calcium concentration in drinking water. The effect of dietary caffeine on urinary excretion of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in healthy young females. Calcium metabolism and calcium requirements during skeletal modeling and consolidation of bone mass. Factors that influence peak bone mass formation: A study of calcium balance and the inheritance of bone mass in adolescent females. The metabolism of isotopi cally labelled vitamin D3 in man: the influence of the state of vitamin D nutrition. Long term fracture prediction by bone mineral assessed at different skeletal sites. 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M elanin is also found in lym ph nodes blood pressure chart seniors discount hytrin online mastercard,pig skin and belly fatorm am m ary tissue in fem ale pigs. This condition is called seedy bellyorseedy cutsince the black file:///C:/versam m elt/index m eister. M elanin deposits in the oesophagus and adrenalglands in oldersheep are a com m on finding on postm ortem exam ination. M ultifocaldeposits of m elanin in the liverofa calfis known as M elanosis m aculosa. Ifthe condition is localized,only the affected organ orpartofthe carcass needs to be condem ned. Differentialdiagnosis:Haem orrhage,M elanom a,Distom atosis (liverflukes) (B)M yocardiallipofuscinosis (Brown atrophy ofthe heart,Xanthosis) Xanthosis (W ear-and-Tear)pigm entis a brown pigm entation ofskeletaland heartm uscles of cattle. The condition is seen in old anim als such as culldairy cowsand in som e chronic wasting diseases. Itis prevalentin Ayrshire cows and approxim ately 28 % ofnorm al Ayrshire cows have this pigm entin skeletaland heartm uscles. In porphyric cattle,exposure to lightwillinitiate the developm entof photodynam ic derm atitis. Ifthe condition is localized, only the affected organ orpartofthe carcass needs to be condem ned. Icterus is a clinicalsign of a faulty liverorbile ductm alfunction,butitm ay be also caused by diseases in which the liver is notim paired. Posthepatic jaundice (obstructive icterus) file:///C:/versam m elt/index m eister. Post-hepatic Prehepatic jaundice occurs following excessive destruction ofred blood cells. Tick-borne diseases such as Babesia ovis and Anaplasm osis cause this type oficterus,which is one of the m ain causes ofcarcass condem nation in Southern Africa due to prevalence ofthese parasites. Overproduced blood pigm ent,which cannotbe m etabolized in the liver,builds up in the blood (haem oglobinem ia). Hepatic jaundice occurs due to directdam age to livercells as seen in livercirrhosis. Obstructive jaundice occurs when the drainage ofthe bile pigm entbilirubin is blocked from entry into the intestine. This usually occurs due to the obstruction ofthe hepatic ducts by a tum our,by parasites such as flukes orby gallstones. Judgem ent:Anim als suspected to have icterus should be treated as suspectson antem ortem exam ination. On postm ortem exam ination,the carcass and viscera with haem olytic,toxic icterus and obstructive icterus are condem ned. Upon re-exam ination,the carcass m ay be approved orcondem ned depending on the absence orpresence ofpigm entin the tissue. Ifthe obstructive icterus disappears after24 hours,the carcass and viscera can be passed forhum an food. FeCl3 (10 % solution) 10 ml Distilled water 100 ml Differentialdiagnosis:Yellow fatin anim als with heavy corn rations,nutritionalpanniculitis (yellow fatdisease,steatitis)and yellow fatseen in extensive bruises. To differentiate icterus from the norm alcolouroffatofcertain breeds,the sclera,intim a ofthe blood vessels,bone cartilage,liver,connective tissue and renalpelvis should be exam ined. Icterus should notbe confused with yellow fatdisease in hogs fed predom inantly on fish by products orby the yellowish appearance oftissue caused by breed characteristics or nutritionalfactors. Haem orrhage and Haem atom a Haem orrhage is seen atslaughterin various organs,m ucous and serous m em branes,skin, subcutaneous tissue and m uscles. Haem orrhage is also associated with vitam in C deficiencies,a sudden increase in blood pressure with weakened blood vessels,and im properelectric currentstunning in pigs and sheep. Lengthy transportation,exposure to stress before slaughter,hotweatherand excitem entare som e ofthe otherfactors which contribute to m uscle haem orrhage. In haem orrhage caused by im properstunning,there m ay be a delay between stunning and sticking ofthe anim al. The electricalcurrentused in stunning causes cardiac m uscle stim ulation and vasoconstriction ofblood vessels. This m ightinduce a rapid rise in blood pressure leading to haem orrhages in the organs and m uscle (so called blood splashing). The stunning ofanim als by a m echanicalblow to the head is stillpractised with sheep and is a significantcause ofhaem orrhage in organs particularly the lungs and heart. Im m ediate bleeding with the fastblood flow from the cutvessels could preventthis type ofhaem orrhage in sheep. Agonalhaem orrhage (due to rupture ofcapillaries)is caused by laboured breathing and contraction ofm usculature during violentdeath. Judgem ent:A carcass is approved ifthe haem orrhage is m inorin extentand is due to physical causes. A carcass affected with extensive haem orrhage where salvaging is im practical,ora haem orrhagic carcass associated with septicem ia is condem ned. Differentialdiagnosis:Haem orrhage resulting from blackleg,and sweetcloverpoisoning. Bruises Bruises are frequently found on antem ortem and post-m ortem exam ination in food producing anim als and poultry. In cattle bruises caused by transportation orhandling are com m only found in the hip,chestand shoulderareas;in pigs within the ham and in sheep in the hind leg. Bruises and haem orrhage in the hip jointare caused by rough handling ofanim als during file:///C:/versam m elt/index m eister. Bruises in poultry can be localized orgeneralized and are frequently associated with bone fractures orruptured ligam enttendons. Judgem ent:Bruised anim als should be treated assuspectson ante m ortem exam ination. On postm ortem exam ination,carcasses affected with localbruising are approved afterbeing trim m ed. Carcasses affected with bruises orinjuries associated with inflam m atory lesions are also approved iftissue reaction doesnotextend beyond the regionallym ph nodes. When bruises orinjuries are associated with system ic change and the wholesom eness ofthe m usculature is lost,the carcass willbe condem ned. On postm ortem exam ination ofbird carcasses affected with bruises and fractures,the following judgem entshould be observed:(a)the fractures associated with bruises are rem oved and affected tissue is condem ned,(b)in com pound fractures with dam aged skin,the fractured site and surrounding tissue are condem ned;(c)in sim ple fractured withoutbruises and dam aged skin,the affected portion m ay be approved form echanicaland m anualboning operations. Ifthe lowerpartofbone is fractured,the bone m ay be rem oved by cutting above the fracture. A carcass affected with extensive bruises is condem ned on postm ortem exam ination. A slightly orm oderately bruised carcass is approved ifno system ic changes are present. Abscess An abscess is a localized collection ofpus separated from the surrounding tissue by a fibrous capsule. The m ostcom m on bacteria in liverabscesses include Actinom yces (Corynebacterium) pyogenes,Streptococcus spp. This condition is com m on in feedlots where cattle are fed a high grain dietwhich produces acidity in the rum en and ulcerative rum enitis. Judgem ent:The judgem entofanim als and carcasses affected with abscesses depends on findings ofprim ary orsecondary abscesses in the anim al. The prim ary abscess is usually situated in tissue which has contactwith the digestive tract,respiratory tract,subcutaneous tissue,liver etc. The secondary abscess is found in tissue where contactwith these body system s and organs is via the blood stream. A single huge abscess found in one ofthe sites ofsecondary abscesses m ay cause the condem nation ofa carcass iftoxaem ia is present. The bacterialagentfrom the tailpenetrating the spinalcanalcould be arrested in the lum bo sacraland cervicalspinalenlargem ents,initiating an abscess form ation.
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If so hypertension signs and symptoms treatment cheap hytrin on line, could the gene therapy that helped Molly work for either of these patients These patients could be treated with a different type of gene therapy, one that delivers a normal version of the gene for their mutated protein. System ic Effects of Tuberculosis tient populations based on current knowledge of tuberculo B. Laboratory Services for M ycobacterial D iseases and latent infection have been selected that (a) aid in an B. Collection of Specim ens for D em onstration of accurate diagnosis; (b) coincide with the appropriate re Tubercle Bacilli sponse of the health care team, whether it be no response, C. Transport of Specim ens to the Laboratory treatm ent of latent infection, or treatm ent of disease; (c) D. D igestion and D econtam ination of Specim ens provide the m ost useful inform ation that correlates with E. Staining and M icroscopic Exam ination the prognosis; (d) provide the necessary inform ation for F. Identification of M ycobacteria D irectly from appropriate public health action; and (e) provide a uni Clinical Specim ens form, functional, and practical m eans of reporting. Cultivation of M ycobacteria tuberculosis, even after it has been treated adequately, re H. D rug Susceptibility Testing history, previous as well as current disease is included in J. Tuberculin Skin Test as a practical guide and statem ent of principles for all persons A. Im m unologic Basis for the Tuberculin Reaction have been included to guide the reader to texts and journal ar C. A dm inistration and Reading of Tests ticles for m ore detailed inform ation on each topic. D efinition of Skin Test Conversions Tuberculosis remains one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Classification of Persons Exposed to and/or Infected with year m ore than 8 m illion new cases of tuberculosis occur and M ycobacterium tuberculosis approximately 3 million persons die from the disease (1). A lthough the tuberculosis case trol and endorsed by the Infectious Disease Society of A merica. With out application of effective treatm ent for latent infection, new cases of tuberculosis can be expected to develop from within this group. When used in this m anner, adverse reactions Tuberculosis is spread from person to person through the air such as dissem ination m ay be encountered, and in such cases by droplet nuclei, particles 1 to 5 mm in diam eter that contain M. If the bacillus is able to survive initial de lungs, where the organism s replicate. The tu tuberculosis also generate larger particles containing num er bercle bacillus grows slowly, dividing approxim ately every 25 ous bacilli, these particles do not serve as effective vehicles for to 32 h within the m acrophage. M ycobacterium tuberculosis transm ission of infection because they do not rem ain airborne, has no known endotoxins or exotoxins; therefore, there is no and if inhaled, do not reach alveoli. When large parti 2 to 12 wk, until they reach 103 to 104 in num ber, which is suffi cles are inhaled, they im pact on the wall of the upper airways, cient to elicit a cellular im m une response (19, 20) that can be where they are trapped in the m ucous blanket, carried to the detected by a reaction to the tuberculin skin test. Before the developm ent of cellular im m unity, tubercle ba Four factors determ ine the likelihood of transm ission of M. Certain the air, (2) the concentration of organism s in the air deter organs and tissues are notably resistant to subsequent m ulti m ined by the volum e of the space and its ventilation, (3) the plication of these bacilli. The bone m arrow, liver, and spleen length of tim e an exposed person breathes the contam inated are alm ost always seeded with m ycobacteria, but uncontrolled air, and (4) presum ably the im m une status of the exposed indi m ultiplication of the bacteria in these sites is exceptional. H owever, they are no m ore of activated T cells and m acrophages form granulom as that likely to transm it M. Ventilation with fresh air is especially important, ter of the granulom a, which is often necrotic (22). For the particularly in health care settings, where six or more room-air m ajority of individuals with norm al im m une function, prolifer changes an hour is desirable (9). A lthough a prim ary com plex reduce the number of bacilli released into the air is by treating can som etim es be seen on chest radiograph, the m ajority of the patient with effective antituberculosis chemotherapy (10). If pulm onary tuberculosis infections are clinically and radio masks are to be used on coughing patients with infectious tu graphically inapparent (18). M ost com m only, a positive tuber berculosis, they should be fabricated to filter droplet nuclei and culin skin test result is the only indication that infection with molded to fit tightly around the nose and mouth. Individuals with latent tuber as disposing of such personal items as clothes and bedding, ster culosis infection but not active disease are not infectious and ilizing fomites, using caps and gowns and gauze or paper masks, thus cannot transm it the organism. It is estim ated that approx boiling dishes, and washing walls are unnecessary because they im ately 10% of individuals who acquire tuberculosis infection have no bearing on airborne transmission. M ycobacterium tu respond to the organism m ay be reduced by certain diseases berculosis is transm itted through the airborne route and there such as silicosis, diabetes m ellitus, and diseases associated with are no known anim al reservoirs. In these cir tissue of the oropharynx when ingested in m ilk containing cum stances, the likelihood of developing tuberculosisdisease large num bers of organism s. The risk of developing tuberculosis also appears to has decreased significantly in developed countries as a result be greater during the first 2-yr of life. Con weakness, night sweats, and malaise are also common but are versely, an individual who has a prior latent infection with M. The increase in sponse to infection with the tubercle bacillus provides protec white blood cell counts is usually slight, but leukem oid reac tion against reinfection. A nem ia is com m on when the States the risk of reexposure to an infectious case is low. In som e instances, anem ia or pancy therm ore, in an otherwise healthy, previously infected person, topenia m ay result from direct involvem ent of the bone m ar any organism s that are deposited in the alveoli are likely to be row and, thus, be a local, rather than a rem ote, effect. Exceptions m ay H yponatrem ia, which in one series was found to occur in occur, but in im m unocom petent individuals, clinical and labo 11% of patients (37), has been determ ined to be caused by ratory evidence indicates that disease produced by the inha production of an antidiuretic horm one-like substance found lation of a second infecting strain is uncommon. Pulm onary Tuberculosis 85% of reported tuberculosis cases were lim ited to the lungs, Sym ptom s and physical findings. Cough is the m ost com m on with the rem aining 15% involving only nonpulm onary or both sym ptom of pulm onary tuberculosis. A lthough there are no national data that describe the and is key to m ost of our diagnostic m ethods. M oreover, extrapulm onary involvem ent tends to increase cially Aspergillus in the form of a m ycetom a) in a residual cav in frequency with worsening im m une com prom ise (32). System ic Effects of Tuberculosis chym a adjacent to a pleural surface m ay cause pleuritic pain. Tuberculosis involving any site may produce symptoms and D yspnea is unusual unless there is extensive disease. Tubercu findings that are not specifically related to the organ or tissue losis m ay, however, cause severe respiratory failure (40, 41). Of the systemic ef Physical findings in pulm onary tuberculosis are not gener fects, fever is the most easily quantified. Rales m ay be heard in the which fever has been observed in patients with tuberculosis var area of involvem ent as well as bronchial breath sounds if there ies from approximately 37 to 80% (33, 34). The com bination of sm all num bers of bacilli result of recent infection, the process is generally seen as a mid and inaccessible sites causes bacteriologic confirm ation of a dle or lower lung zone infiltrate, often associated with ipsilat diagnosis to be m ore difficult, and invasive procedures are fre eral hilar adenopathy. A telectasis may result from compression quently required to establish a diagnosis.
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The person denies having taken them blood pressure journal template safe hytrin 2mg, but blood studies are consistent with the ingestion of anticoagulants. A reasonable inference, in the absence of evidence that accidental ingestion occurred, is that the individual may have taken the medication intentionally. It should be noted that the presence of factitious symptoms does not preclude the coexistence of true physical or psychological symptoms. In Malingering, the individual also produces the symptoms intentionally, but has a goal that is obviously recognizable when the environmental circumstances are known. For example, the intentional production of symptoms to avoid jury duty, standing trial, or avoid serving in the military would be classified as Malingering. Similarly, if an individual who is hospitalized for treatment of a mental disorder simulates an exacerbation of illness to avoid transfer to another, less desirable facility, this would be an act of Malingering. In contrast, in Factitious Disorder, the motivation is a psychological need to assume the sick role, as evidenced by an absence of external incentives for the behavior. Intentional production or feigning of physical or psychological signs or symptoms. External incentives for the behavior (such as economic gain, avoiding legal responsibility, or improving physical well-being, as in Malingering) are absent. General If the witness indicates the possibility of symptom manipulation, defense counsel Questions should ask the following questions to determine if the plaintiff has a factitious disorder or is malingering (a manipulation of symptoms to obtain money or avoid responsibility). Detection of the factitious disorder is primarily from the clinical interview and history. In factitious disorder (like malingering) there is also symptom simulation and exaggeration, but the motivation is an internal one (compared to external) and the desired effect is to be placed in the "sick role". The condition usually presents at deposition when the plaintiff answers questions with Ganser pattern responses. This pattern is indicative of a person who wants to prove that he is brain damaged. Knowing that he cannot refuse to answer the deposition questions, he provides a specific pattern of answers. The second pattern is answering past the point or providing many answers that do not match the question. Ganser plaintiffs appear to have a malingering phenomenon in combination with a mental illness. It is a fascinating, yet poorly studied dissociative condition whose exact etiology, classification, and symptom constellation are still debated in the literature. In this syndrome, ludicrous approximate answers or responses are made to simple questions or commands, which indicate that the questions are clearly understood and that deliberately incorrect responses are being given. When asked to point upward, the patient may point down, and then point up when asked to point down. The symptoms in this syndrome develop rapidly and usually occur in response to severe environmental stressors, such as facing imprisonment. Frequently observed Ganser symptoms include amnesia, disorientation or confusion, conversion symptoms, fugue state, and a loss of personal identity. The unconscious motivation of the plaintiff with a Conversion Disorder is the strong need to be disabled. Plaintiffs with a Conversion Disorder often have a history that includes physical or mental abuse. Psychological factors are judged to be associated with the symptom or deficit, a judgment based on the observation that the initiation or exacerbation of the symptom or deficit is preceded by conflicts or other stressors. The symptoms are not intentionally produced or feigned, as in Factitious Disorder or Malingering. Conversion symptoms are related to voluntary motor or sensory functioning and are thus referred to as "pseudoneurological. Sensory symptoms or deficits include loss of touch or pain sensation, double vision, blindness, deafness, and hallucinations. Reported rates of Conversion Disorder have varied widely, ranging from 11/100,000 to 500/100,000 in general population samples. It has been reported in up to 3% of outpatient referrals to mental health clinics. Psychological factors are judged to be associated with the symptom or deficit because the initiation or exacerbation of the symptom or deficit is preceded by conflicts or other stressors. The symptom or deficit is not limited to pain or sexual dysfunction, does not occur exclusively during the course of Somatization Disorder, and is not better accounted for by another mental disorder. Specify type of symptom or deficit: With Motor Symptom or Deficit With Sensory Symptom or Deficit With Seizures or Convulsions With Mixed Presentation Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. In conversion disorder, psychological factors are judged to be associated with the symptom or deficit because the initiation or exacerbation of the symptom or deficit is preceded by conflicts or other stressors. In fact, diagnosis is often made when a close temporal relationship between a conflict or stressor and the initiation or exacerbation of a symptom is obvious (if symptoms cannot be explained medically). The symptoms or deficits in conversion disorder are not intentionally produced or feigned (as in Factitious Disorder or Malingering). The conversion symptom or deficit cannot, after appropriate investigation, be fully explained by a general medical condition. The conversion symptom or deficit cannot, after appropriate investigation, be fully explained by the direct effects of a substance. The conversion symptom or deficit cannot, after appropriate investigation, be fully explained as a culturally sanctioned behavior or experience. Conversion symptoms often cause significant distress and impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. A diagnosis of Conversion Disorder can be made if a thorough medical investigation has been performed to rule out a neurological or general medical condition. If there is no identifiable medical etiology for the symptoms, Conversion disorder should be considered. A "paralyzed" extremity will be moved inadvertently while dressing or when attention is directed elsewhere. If placed above the head and released, a "paralyzed" arm will briefly retain its position, then fall to the side, rather than striking the head. Because these individuals are often suggestible, their symptoms may be modified or resolved based on external cues. In fact, it is the absence of expected findings that suggests and supports the diagnosis of Conversion Disorder. However, laboratory findings consistent with a general medical condition do not exclude the diagnosis of Conversion Disorder, because it only requires that a symptom not be fully explained by such a condition. The onset of Conversion Disorder is generally from late childhood to early adulthood, rarely before age 10 years or after age 35 years. A history of unexplained somatic (especially conversion) or dissociative symptoms signifies a greater likelihood that an apparent conversion symptom is not due to a general medical condition. Limited data suggest that conversion symptoms are more frequent in relatives of individuals with Conversion Disorder. Increased risk of Conversion Disorder in monozygotic twin pairs but not in dizygotic twin pairs has been reported. Failure to treat the underlying depression in chronic pain cases will significantly delay recovery. The pain causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Psychological factors are judged to play a significant role in the onset, severity, exacerbation, or maintenance of the pain. The pain is not intentionally produced or feigned as in Factitious Disorder or Malingering. Evidence of prior psychopathology would help mitigate damages attributed to a proximately caused pain syndrome. Even in the event that these psychological factors do not meet the diagnostic criteria for a clinical mental disorder, an emotional response to a psychosocial stressor is usually transient and rarely results in permanent disability. The diagnosis allows for some level of pain attributable to an injury or medical condition, but that which may be out of proportion to the injury due to the presence of psychological factors. Pain in one or more anatomical sites is the predominant focus of the clinical presentation and is of sufficient severity to warrant clinical attention. Specify if: Acute: duration of less than 6 months Chronic: duration of 6 months or longer 307. The pain results from a general medical condition, and psychological factors are judged to play either no role or a minimal role in the onset or maintenance of the pain.
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Other symptoms are sore and cracking lips arteria frontal buy hytrin 5mg overnight delivery, burning and itching eyes, loss of appetite, weakness, and irritability. Symptoms may include tears, sadness, irritability, anger, tension, depression, self-deprecating thoughts, decreased interest in usual activities, fatigability, loss of energy, a subjective sense of difficulty in concentration, changes in appetite, and sleep disturbance. The plaintiff with masked depression hides a dysphoric mood with gastrointestinal problems, chronic pain, insomnia, weight loss, and other physical complaints. The Kleine-Levin syndrome most often occurs in adolescent males and is characterized by two-week episodes of excessive sleep and overeating. The signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism include both physical and psychiatric complaints. The plaintiff may experience the depressive symptoms for days or weeks after the illness. These self-limited illnesses may cause the plaintiff symptoms of suicidal ideation, loss of appetite, libido, and fatigue. Nausea, vomiting, and change in appetite often occur in the first trimester and may continue throughout the pregnancy. Allergic rhinitis is seasonal or perennial inflammatory disease of the nasal membranes. Symptoms may include sneezing, a stuffy and itching nose, postnasal drainage, and itching eyes, palate, pharynx, and conjunctivae. Overeating Pancreatic carcinoma is a cancer of the pancreas that causes a decrease in enzymes, (continued) lipids, glucagens, and insulin. Symptoms may include abdominal pain radiating to the back, weight loss, anorexia, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, depression, irritability, and a sense of doom without guilt. Characteristic symptoms include tachycardia, increased appetite,dry mouth, euphoria, anxiety, sensation of slowed time, impaired judgment, and social withdrawal. Hypersomnia Q: When and how often does the plaintiff experience insomnia or hypersomnia Children with an overanxious disorder have excessive or unrealistic anxiety or worry for at least six months. It can persist into adult life as an anxiety disorder, such as a generalized anxiety disorder or a social phobia. If the witness indicates the possibility of a life stressor or other condition, see the section on other life-stressors for further questions. These hesitations may cause the plaintiff to awaken periodically throughout the night. The obstruction causes repeated awakenings during the night and a cycle of night and day episodes of awakenings and drowsiness. Frequently changing sleep-wake schedules can cause insomnia and daytime somnolence (drowsiness). The plaintiff often (continued) falls asleep quickly but wakes up earlier and earlier with uncomfortable feelings. The schizophrenic or pre-psychotic plaintiff will have increasing incidence and severity of nightmares and other sleep difficulties often caused by guilt, anxiety or both. The abrupt cessation or reduction of cocaine after several days use, may cause the plaintiff to feel tired, dysphoric, irritable, depressed, and to crave more of the drug. Nightmares may occur frequently in the more susceptible plaintiff that is stressed, fatigued, or who has consumed alcohol. Night terrors cause the plaintiff to awaken with a sense of intense terror from a single frightening image not associated with a dream. Transient and situational insomnia: A brief period of insomnia is often associated with anxiety from such things as an upcoming event. The plaintiff with masked depression hides a dysphoric mood with gastrointestinal problems, chronic pain, weight loss, and other physical complaints. The plaintiff may have difficulty falling asleep but often wakes up refreshed after two to four hours of rest. Some of the emotionally caused symptoms may be depression, anxiety, anhedonia (an inability to experience pleasure), insomnia, and irritability. Some of the characteristic physical signs include an increased appetite, weakness, buffalo hump, truncal and facial obesity, heightened facial color, and abdominal striae (stripes). Symptoms include muscle tension, restlessness or feeling keyed up, fatigue, difficulty concentrating or mind going blank, sleep disturbance, and irritability. Menopausal distress may cause anxiety, fatigue, Gl disturbances, urinary frequency, back pain, palpitations, tension, emotional lability, irritability and nervousness, depression, dizziness, insomnia, and hot flashes. The dream anxieties occur more frequently with mental stress, physical fatigue, or changes in sleep environment. Low Energy, Fatigue Q: Does the plaintiff have a history of low energy or fatigue before the injury in question Q: When and how often does the plaintiff experience the loss of energy or fatigue Q: Does the plaintiff have a history of any medical or psychological conditions that may cause low energy or fatigue Chronic fatigue syndrome presents with six months or more of severe, debilitating fatigue accompanied by myalgia, headaches, pharyngitis, low-grade fever, cognitive complaints, gastrointestinal symptoms, and tender lymph nodes. Persons most likely to be plagued by persistent fatigue after an acute viral illness are patients with pre-existing or co-morbid psychiatric problems. Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic drug consumption can cause behavioral and physical changes. Physical symptoms may include slurred speech, incoordination, unsteady gait, fatigue, and impaired memory or attention span. Symptoms may include nausea or Fatigue vomiting; malaise or weakness; autonomic hyperactivity (such as tachycardia and (continued) sweating); anxiety or irritability; orthostatic hypotension; coarse tremor of the hands, tongue and eyelids; insomnia; and grand mal seizures. S/he is often uncomfortable when not the center of attention and seeks reassurance, approval, or praise from others. While an over-concern with physical attractiveness and an inappropriate sexually seductive appearance or behavior is common, plaintiffs with this disorder often have troubled interpersonal relationships and can be sexually naive or unresponsive. Symptoms are often more severe in the spring and fall and may be associated with mild anorexia, fatigue, nervousness, irritability, alternating periods of constipation and diarrhea, or burning sensations in the epigastrium (upper and middle abdomen). During the manic episodes, the plaintiff may feel grandiose, have a decreased need for sleep, and decreased emotional capacity, experience a surge of ideas and conversation, and may be easily distracted or pleased. The adjustment disorder may be characterized by symptoms of fatigue, headache, backache, or other aches and pains (reference 7, p. Weakness and tiredness are the single most distressing symptoms of the depression. The plaintiff may also experience insomnia, daytime hypersomnia, and practical worries. Exercise and strong emotions may cause hyperventilation, or it can begin spontaneously. Loneliness and aimlessness are the most pronounced symptoms for six to nine months following the death of a loved one. Self-esteem Low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, self-reproach, poor concentration and indecisiveness, hopelessness, and helplessness are characteristic psychologic symptoms of depression. Q: Does the plaintiff have a history of low self-esteem before the injury in question Before individuals can establish a loving bond with others, they must possess a self-love or self-esteem, a normal narcissism. An adult who has not achieved normal narcissism or who does not have adequate self-esteem, is trapped in an unending search for love and acceptance. Associated symptoms may include low self-esteem, mood lability, low frustration tolerance, and temper outbursts. Feelings of anger, frustration, shame, loss of self-respect, and helplessness are emotions that most often accompany school failure. These feelings have a damaging effect on self-esteem, future performance and expectations for success. Associated symptoms include dependency, lack of self-confidence, and a pessimism for the future with no sense of responsibility Self-esteem for their problems. The plaintiff usually feels a lack of control over eating and may use self-induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, strict dieting, fasting, or vigorous exercise to prevent weight gain. Concentration Q: When and how often does the plaintiff experience poor concentration or difficulty making decisions Q: Does the plaintiff have a history of poor concentration or difficulty making decisions before the injury in question