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This means that patients can have a negative blood test result if tested in the frst weeks after infection treatment zoster purchase discount elocon online. Healthcare providers should consider treating patients for Lyme disease without running a test if the patient has a history of exposure and has signs and symptoms suggestive of early Lyme disease. A negative test in a patient with arthritis or other longstanding symptoms is strong evidence that Lyme disease is not the cause of their illness. The immune system continues to make the antibodies for months or years after the infection is gone. This means that: > Once a patient tests positive, he or she will continue to test positive for months to years even when the bacteria are no longer present. Treatment People treated with antibiotics for early Lyme disease usually recover rapidly and completely. The antibiotics most commonly used to treat Lyme disease include: doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime axetil. Some patients may have persistent or recurrent symptoms and may require another course of antibiotics. Ticks can hide under the armpits, behind the knees, in the hair, and in the groin. If the clothes are damp, dry them completely and then dry for 10 minutes on high heat. Postexposure antibiotics Recent studies have examined the value of giving antibiotics to prevent Lyme disease after a known tick bite. While giving antibiotics for all tick bites is not always advised, it may be benefcial in some cases. Ask your healthcare provider if antibiotics after a tick bite are appropriate for you. Tick bite prevention for pets Dogs are very susceptible to tick bites and tickborne diseases. Talk to your veterinarian about: > Lyme disease vaccination for your dog > the best tick prevention products for your dog > Tickborne diseases in your area Reduce the chances that a tick bite will make your dog sick by: > Checking your pets for ticks daily > Removing ticks from your pet immediately Tick control in the yard Landscaping to create ticksafe zones. Blacklegged ticks need high humidity to survive; they die quickly in drier environments. Removing leaf litter and clearing tall grass and brush around houses and at the edges of lawns will reduce the numbers of ticks. Placing wood chips or gravel between lawns or play areas and wooded areas creates a dry barrier that is diffcult for ticks to cross. Enjoy daily living activities such as gardening and 5 Tick safe outdoor play inside this perimeter. Returns Fluid from Tissues to Blood ~85% of fluids that leak out of blood returns to blood via blood capillaries ~15% returns via lymph capillaries in 24 hrs lymphatics return fluid equivalent to entire blood volume if lymphatic system becomes blocked edema 2. Absorb and Transport Fats Special lymphatic capillaries (=lacteals) in villi of small intestine absorb all lipids and fat soluble vitamins from digested food bypasses liver much goes straight to adipose tissues 4. Increased population densities and unhealthy living conditions in urban slums can ease the transmission of infections. The rate of death from infectious and parasitic 0 diseases is almost 14 times higher HighIncome MiddleIncome LowIncome in lowincome countries than in high Countries Countries Countries income countries ure 1). In Southern Africa, new infections increase the likelihood of developing drugresistant bacteria, rendering some affect onethird more women than active tuberculosis, which can then be common antibiotics less effective. People who live in close proximity to one another spread diseases more quickly and easily. For example, the increasing number of people living in urban areas around the world will continue to facilitate tuberculosis transmission and weaken attempts to control the disease. Migrants may 7074 6569 be particularly vulnerable to malarial 6064 infection because of the fatigue 5559 and malnutrition that accompany 5054 21 4549 relocation. The risk is highest when 4044 migrants move to tropical areas, 3539 which are home to a larger number 3034 2529 of infectious disease pathogens than 2024 areas at higher latitudes. The large number reached the scale to create population Those who seek reproductive health of young people around the world decline. Contents of this and accompanying materials may be reproduced provided Population Action International is acknowledged as the source. Chaskopoulou known to be almost as important as mosquitoes in terms of public health importance. Many of the dog ticks are known as wood ticks and infest dogs when they run through the woods or felds. Of the ticks found in Florida, the brown dog tick and the American dog tick are the most troublesome. The brown dog tick rarely bites humans, but infestations are frequently found on dogs and in the home. The American dog tick attacks a wide variety of hosts, including humans, but rarely will infest homes. Brown Dog Tick The brown dog tick ure 1) seldom attacks animals other than dogs. Tese eggs are ofen found in cracks on the roof of kennels or high on the walls Ticks are not insects and are closely related to the spiders. Teir life cycle is divided into baseboards, window and door casings, curtains, furniture, four stages: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. The egglaying females are ofen seen blood during some or all stages in their lifecycle. When a small rodent is found, the larvae attach and feed for approximately fve days. The nymphs crawl about in search of a rodent host, attach to it, and engorge with blood in three to 11 days. The larvae are so small they will not be noticed on the dog unless there is a large number of larvae together. Adults can live for up to two years without to 23 days before molting into eightlegged, reddishbrown food. They are now ready for another blood meal and be found along roads, paths, and trails, on grass, and on again seek a dog host. The males remain on the host for an indefnite become engorged and bluish, and reach about 1/3 inch in period of time alternately feeding and mating. Unengorged larvae, nymphs, and adults may live for long periods of time without a blood meal. Adults have been The American dog tick requires from three months to three known to live for as long as 200 days without a blood meal. It is typically an Indoors, ticks hiding between blood meals may be found outdoor tick and is dependent on climatic and environmen behind baseboards, in window casings or window curtains, tal conditions for its eggs to hatch. Outdoors, ticks hide near foundations of buildings, in crevices of siding, or beneath the porch. American Dog Tick The American dog tick ure 2) is also a common pest of pets and humans in Florida. The adult males and females are frequently encountered by sportsmen and people who work outdoors. Dogs are the preferred host, although the American dog tick will feed on other warmblooded animals. If the attached tick is broken, the mouthparts When feeding, ticks make a small hole in the skin, attach lef in the skin may transmit disease or cause secondary themselves with a modifcation of one of the mouthparts, infection. Ticks should be grasped with tweezers at the which has teeth that curve backwards, and insert barbed, point where their mouthparts enter the skin and pulled piercing mouthparts to remove blood. A small amount of fesh should be seen attached to the mouthparts afer the tick is The presence of ticks is annoying to dogs and humans.

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Once delivered to the human tissue medications parkinsons disease generic elocon 5g free shipping, either by injection, intravenously or outside of the human body in a lab, the virus then integrates its genetic material into the human cells. As a consequence, gene therapies are typically invasive in nature (the majority via intravenous, subcutaneous, intraperitoneal or intramuscular injection). Assuming treatment is successful, the new gene will make a functioning protein (Genetics Home Reference, 2016). Therefore the promise of successful treatment with gene therapy could positively affect millions of lives. However there are many challenges to be overcome: the science is complex, particularly when we move away from single gene disorders. In the European Union, seven regenerative medicine products have been granted marketing authorization. However, only one of these (ChondroCelect, a tissueengineered therapy) has achieved national reimbursement, and this has only been achieved in three countries (Spain, Belgium and the Netherlands) (AbouElEnein et al. The Gene Therapy Pipeline Gene therapy is an attractive area for drug development because with the right target and approach, it can address the root cause of a severe disease. Cystic fibrosis has long been a target for gene therapy development because of the potentially devastating nature of the condition and the known biology underlying the disease. A cure could mean improved quality of life, quantity of life, and avoidance of healthcare costs (medications, physical therapy, lung transplantation, etc. As understanding of the human genome advances, the number of potential molecular targets for gene therapy grows as does the anticipation of rectifying genetic pathways of diseases that have seen only incremental advances or no advanced at all. Furthermore, in Europe it has to date only been paid for use in one patient, most likely due to its $1. ure 1: Number of gene therapies per disease group Source: Pharmaprojects, 2016 Note: the treatments in the rare disease category are double counted in the graph as they also appear in the numbers for the relevant therapy area. We can see that rare diseases (501) account for 30% of the total of 1671 therapies. Others may also be for orphan indications, albeit within larger disease categories. Results from a pivotal phase 3 study indicate that this therapy has the potential to provide clinically meaningful and longlasting improvements in retinal sensitivity, which allows for patients to have improved functional vision, leading, for example, to improvements in mobility. In the next sections we look at three key areas: evidence generation; assessing value; and affordability. This is a process that is usually followed for breakthrough drugs to expedite the review. The personalised nature of gene therapies, along with limited shelf life and stability (Bailey et al. Therefore, even if the manufacturer does manage to secure market authorization and reimbursement, there may still be practical delivery challenges to address. Concerns have also been raised that a lack of clarity around manufacturing and quality standards may result in inefficient product development and act as a barrier for development. This is likely to be particularly problematic in rare diseases where no precedents exist (van Schothorst et al. There may be a tradeoff between allowing flexibility in the manufacturing process to account for the patientspecific nature of the products whilst establishing good manufacturing practice (AbouElEnein et al. The ethical dilemmas associated with gene therapy are similar to those for cancer treatments for small populations and include: (i) the challenge of denying coverage on grounds of cost for an apparently effective therapy for patients with substantial morbidity; (ii) the difficulty of running a randomised clinical trial with a poor current standard of care, when the new therapy appears to be performing well. In such cases where no alternative treatments exist, and when the intervention is for a lifethreatening condition, it may be deemed unethical to withhold experimental treatment from participants within a trial, due to the lack of clinical equipoise. Note that not all of the challenges listed will be applicable to all gene therapies. The potential issues should not be thought of as insurmountable barriers, and will not apply uniformly across all gene therapies. In addition, some of the challenges are likely to be much more common than others. Because of the small numbers of patients, the regulator may deem it appropriate to give all of the patients the active comparator, in order to ensure that the maximum possible is learned about the new gene therapy. Such sham operations can be unethical and may prevent fully blinded placebocontrolled trial designs (van Schothorst et al. It can also be difficult to identify the appropriate comparator for the gene therapy to be assessed against, particularly where the therapy leads to marked changes in clinical practice or where there is no existing treatment. Trials are short, typically limited to a few years at most, and thus do not provide long term data. Many include a longer follow up period through which patients are monitored, but, as one interviewee pointed out, in order for manufacturers to provide data that these cures last a lifetime, or at least that the length of clinical benefit outweighs the shortterm risks, they would need to observe patients for an extended time. Due to small patient numbers and perceived ethical and statistical benefits of crossover trials, it may be difficult to power studies adequately to evaluate the health outcomes ultimately being sought. As a result, key trials may necessarily depend on surrogate outcomes requiring extrapolation to estimate the key clinical and health endpoints. Additionally, appropriate surrogate outcomes may not exist for gene therapies, requiring development and validation of outcome measures currently unfamiliar to patients, clinicians and payers. As mentioned earlier, if adaptive licensing with surrogate markers is used, there will be substantial uncertainty requiring confirmatory studies post regulatory approval. Complicating evaluation of clinical effectiveness further, the risks and benefits of a product may in some cases vary depending on the delivery protocol and, if relevant, the skill of the surgical team (AbouElEnein et al. This could generate high variation in response across individuals and centres, leading to implications for the generalizability of efficacy and safety estimates. Safety evidence Gene therapies come with their own set of safety concerns; when delivered through viral mechanisms they can be tumorigenic and can give rise to proliferation in tissues which have not been intentionally targeted (van Schothorst et al. They can also stimulate immune reactions, requiring immunotherapy, adding to overall risks (AbouEl Enein et al. As gene therapies are new to medicine, there is no longterm experience with which to gauge the potential for serious safety consequences that might emerge years after the initial treatment phase. Ultimately there is an uncertainty around the potential for harm given that we have incomplete knowledge about the consequences of manipulating the gene. There are concerns over immune response in the short term, in addition to the possibility for significant severe side effects in the longer term. The majority are biologics, although some may be medical devices or combination products. The regulatory approach for gene therapies is similar to other medical products, but does include flexibility related to the biological and technical complexity of the products. For example, phase I studies for gene therapies are typically conducted in a population who has the disease being studied (rather than in healthy volunteers). This is mainly due to unknown risks, but also allows sponsors to look for preliminary evidence of bioactivity on the characteristics of the disease. Key documents include: Considerations for the Design of EarlyPhase Clinical Trials of Cellular and Gene Therapy Products; Guidance for Industry. There is an acknowledgement that large confirmatory studies may not be feasible due to small population sizes, and evaluation may need to be based on a limited amount of data.

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Wang, 2002: Anthropogenic deforestation, 1997b: Metric differences between sylvatic and domestic Triatoma infestans El Nino and the emergence of Nipah virus in Malaysia. Wolff, 1998: 1999: Climatic and environmental patterns associated with hantavirus pulmo Chain reactions linking acorns to gypsy moth outbreaks and Lyme disease nary syndrome, Four Corners region, United States. Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 111, Number 10, August Rift Valley fever in the Islamic republic of Mauritania. Oakes, 1992: Emerging Infections: Microbial natural history of Hendra & Nipah viruses. Schofield, 1997: Biosystematics of old Peters, 1999: Climate and satellite indicators to forecast Rift Valley fever world triatominae. Lamotte, 1984: Seasonal variation in nutrition among a problems in developing countries. In: VectorBorne Disease Control through Rice group of nomadic pastoralists in Niger. Sherlock, 2004: Visceral leishmaniasis among Indians of the State of rhagic fever. Roraima, Brazil: clinical and epidemiologic aspects of the cases observed from Mak, J. Parasitic diseases in water resources development: the need for intersectoral negotiation. Institute of Medicine, 2003: Microbial Threats to Health: Emergence, Detection, Moreno, J. Szczeniowski, acionfi de tres metodosfi de captura de anofelinos en un areafi endemicafi del 1986: Four generations of probable persontoperson transmission of human estado Bolfivar, Venezuela. Opportu 414 Ecosystems and Human Wellbeing: Current State and Trends nities for Anticipating Change in Eastern and Southern Africa. Turner, 1999: A review of recent literature on nonstationary link related to climate changefi Betan gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, court, O. C, 1991: Situacionfi Epidemiologicafi de la Rabia Humana Transmitida ogy of vectorborne zoonotic diseases. Uieda, 1996: Potential force of infection of human rabies transmitted by Parrish, C. Malaria transmission at a new irrigation project in Sri Lanka: the emergence Surtees, G. Rodrfiguez, fi can malaria vector, Anopheles darlingi, and the extent of deforestation in the and M. In: Disease: trophic network and cycle of transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi Travassos da Rosa, A. Agressoes humanas no Estado de Roraima e consideracoes sobre sua incidenfi fifi fi Wijesundera, M. Sustaining Life: of savannah and forest members of the Simulium damnosum complex in south How Human Health Depends on Biodiversity. Transaction of the Royal Society of Tropical Interim executive summary available at: Lal, 1998: Wild primate populations in emerging infectious disease research: Vasconcelos, P. Prosser, ment of natural ecosystem in the Brazilian Amazon region results in the J. Med 2004: Naturally acquired simian retrovirus infections in central African hunt Vet Entomol. Emerging laria risk: association between humanbiting rate of the major South Ameri Infectious Diseases, Feb:8 (2). Due to electronic rights restrictions, some third party content may be suppressed. The publisher reserves the right to remove content from this title at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it. For valuable information on pricing, previous editions, changes to current editions, and alternate formats, please visit No part of this work covered by the copyright herein Dianne Hales may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means Publisher: Yolanda Cossio graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information networks, Acquisitions Editor: Aileen Berg or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Developmental Editor: Nedah Rose/Jake Warde Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior Assistant Editor: Kristina Chiapella written permission of the publisher. Editorial Assistant: Shannon Elderon For product information and technology assistance, contact us at Media Editor: Katie Walton Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support, 18003549706. Marketing Manager: Tom Ziolkowski For permission to use material from this text or product, Marketing Assistant: Jing Hu submit all requests online at Further permissions questions can be emailed to Marketing Communications Manager: Linda Yip permissionrequest@cengage. Personal Sexuality At 28 Charles is a veteran of military service, Sexual responsibility means learning about your a married man, and an expectant father. You make decisions that Human Sexuality thoughts and feelings with affect how you express your sexuality, how you each other either verbally or respond sexually, and how you give and get sex nonverbally. But while sexual expres relationships an awareness and appreciation sion and experience can provide intense joy, that lifts them beyond the physical. 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They also apparently have more cases of dependence on drugs medicine 93 7338 generic elocon 5g amex, and perhaps on alcohol as well. Another reason is that drugs were more readily available (and their use was more acceptable) during the Vietnam War than during any previ ous war involving the U. There are reports of drugs entering Iraq from Iran and strong homemade alcohol is plentiful in Baghdad. We expect that many more will open as the veterans of our current conflicts increase the demand for readjustment assistance. They are found not in giant, imposing buildings, but (usually) in small, storefront facilities. Most Vet Centers have a staff of four, including professionals and para professionals. Appointments usually are not needed and staff members are able to see most vets shortly af ter they arrive. To help the vet deal with his or her experience in war and in coming home, Vet Centers provide counseling and other assistance. Counseling sometimes involves the vet along with his or her family or other people significant in his or her life. In counsel ing between a staff member and a vet, discussion usually focuses on what happened in the war zone, the impact of war experiences on the vet, and how the war continues to interfere with his or her life. He or she talks about the war with others who understand, and who accept what he or she says without be ing frightened and without condemning the vet for his or her statements. The spouses and friends in many cases find ways to improve their relationship with vets. Most Vet Centers have a network of contacts in local, state, and federal agen cies. They can therefore help the vet find the agency that can deal with his or her problem and can help the vet find the right person at the agency. Where appropriate and where vets desire, Vet Centers also refer vets to psychotherapists and other professionals. If you believe a local Vet Center (or private contractor) is not meeting your needs, make your views known. If the list includes no center near you, call the nearest Vet Center on the list and ask whether any new Vet Center has been established near you: the Vet Center system has grown rapidly, and since this book was written, a new center may have opened near you. Also ask the nearest Vet Center on the list whether there is a private contractor in your area. Until recently, most of these facilities were little better than wards for chronic psychiatric cases and drug and alcohol abusers from earlier eras. At many facilities, vets were not wanted, felt unwanted, and received little useful treatment. Often, the result was violence or other conflicts between patients and against staff (at one facility, patients set punji stick traps for doctors). But some are run by psychotherapists who are highly skilled, who are widely respected by vet groups, and who are themselves veterans. Also, different directors set different guidelines that deter the American Veterans and Servicemembers Survival Guide 103 mine who is accepted. If there seems to be strong resistance to establishing a psychiatric program in your area, political pressure can be brought to bear. In some places, posts and chapters of veterans service organizations (examples are above) have waged petition campaigns and have alerted the local media. You may also want to contact the local media as well as local politicians (particularly your Member of Congress). Hear his or her explanation before you start a public debate; otherwise, you may be made to look foolish by an experienced bureaucrat or by the dis closure of facts of which you were not aware. Check with a post or chapter of a veterans service organization (again, examples are above) a Vet Center, your state department of mental health (sometimes called by other names), a community mental health group, or a state veterans department. Also, in some areas mental health organizations run group therapy programs charging relatively low fees. Of course, there are also countless private psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and other psychotherapists. To find out whether there are helpful private programs or appropriate pri vate psychotherapists in your area, contact your nearest Vet Center or your nearest veterans service organization chapter or post (examples list above). SelfHelp for Psychological Problems Vets with serious psychological problems should always seek help from profes sionals. Other people reduce anxiety and other problems not through sport but through meditation the American Veterans and Servicemembers Survival Guide 105 and related techniques. Books on all these subjects (some by experts, some by quacks) can easily be found at most any bookstore or at Amazon. Programs to Treat Drug and Alcohol Dependence the choices for the vet with a drug or alcohol problem are similar to those for the vet with a psychological condition. Social Security Benefits the Social Security Administration operates the Supplemental Security Income program and the Social Security Disability Program. For more information, check with your service rep and see section (b), which directly follows this section. Cases for compensation for drug and alco hol dependence are hard win unless you have a good advocate. Also, in some cases, medi cal malpractice claims (or lawsuits) have resulted in large awards of money damages. Minorities and the Disabled Minority vets have special problems, many of them relating to psychological readjustment to civilian life. Although much published information about mi nority vets is about African American vets, it is reasonable to assume that some of what is true about African Americans is also true for members of other minority groups. According to Legacies of Vietnam, a 1981 study commissioned by Con gress and prepared by Arthur Egendorf, Ph. The percentage may be so much higher for African Americans partly because African Americans as a group were more sympathetic than whites to ward the Vietnamese people and were more opposed to the war. As a result, they presumably suffered more guilt in connection with the killing and brutali zation of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians. Studies show African Americans in Vietnam also had special problems be hind the lines, where racism against them was much more pronounced than in combat. Due to racism and other causes, African Americans, vetforvet, re ceived far more bad discharges than vets in general. Presumably studies on more recent vets will show the same problems for African Americans as those just de scribed. In addition, African American veterans of Vietnam, depending on the communities to which they come home, even more than whites, returned to a society that made them feel different, made them feel alone. But African Americans felt even more alienated than most other vets because, war or no war, they represented a small minority of the society and belonged to a minority group that had always been subjected to racism and discrimination.

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The risk Increase endometrial Progesterone controls the of endometrial cancer may be increased by three fold treatment quadriceps tendonitis purchase genuine elocon line. Oestradiol patches (100mcg) +duphaston 10mg D17D28) Progesterone serves as a natural diuretic. The pathophysiology of fibrocystic disease is determined Estrogen dominance causes depletion of magnesium & by estrogen predominance and progesterone deficiency Magnesium is required for maintaining normal vessel that results in hyper proliferation of connective tissues, tone. The depressant, restoring libido, normalizing blood sugar, continuous release of estrogen secretion unopposed facilitating thyroid hormone, serving as a natural diuretic, by progesterone in anovulatory cycle leads to restoring proper cell oxygen levels, protecting against endometrial hyperplasia leading to menorrhagia or fibrocystic breasts, helping use fat as fuel and metrorrhagia or menometrorrhagia. Use of progesterone either continuous or cyclical form Assurance and life style modifications with low fat help to restore normal menstrual cycle. Progestogens: Depot preparation of Norethisterone and medroxyprogesterone acetate: If used for long enough a) Cyclical progesterones from 5th day of the cycle they induce amenorrhoea, but during the early months for 20 days A recent meta analysis showed no bleeding tends to be unpredictable and can be heavy significant benefit for the treatment of severe leading to higher discontinuation rates&systemic side premenstrual syndrome with progestogens and effects are a problem(3) progesterone(3). Estrogen in Endometriosis is derived from three Progesterone inhibits endometrial growth first by sources. Estrogen released directly into the peritoneal cavity ovulation, inducing amenorrhea. Estrogen has an excitatory effect on the brain Progesterones have been indicated in menorrhagia whereas progesterone has calming effect. Norethisterone / Postpartum depression can be easily treated with medroxyprogesterone acetate 510 mg is administered supplementation of progesterone. By 43 menopause, the total amount of progesterone is extremely low compared to estrogen which is still half its premenopausal levels. Low progesterone levels lead to recurring aches and When there is anovulation, the corpus luteal is not pains. Luteal insufficiency: Progesterone agents have been extensively used in Here the ovum is produced but corpus lutem patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer. Hence progesterone levels are low Nevertheless, most studies do support lowgrade with high estrogen. Use of unopposed estrogen as part of harmone o Heating the food in glass or porcelain rather than replacement therapy has been associated with plastic in microwave. Levonorgestrel releasing Intrauterine system with diabetesand those with reactive hypoglycemia has been an emerging trend with proven wider clinical as it stabilizes the impaired homeostatic control of applications beyond contraceptive capabilities. Efficacy of progesterone and progestogens in J ClinOncol 1999;17(6):17361744 management of premenstrual syndrome: systematic review. The efficacy, sideeffects and continuation rates in women with symptomatic endometriosis undergoing treatment with an intrauterine administered progestogene (levonorgestrel): a 3 year followup. It can result from abnormalities at the 2 successive endometrial biopsies beyond the actual level of the hypothalamus/ pituitary, the ovary or the cycle day in the histological development of the endometrium. Normal luteal phase length is relatively fixed at 12 Low integrated luteal phase progesterone. This further It affects women of all races during their reproductive forms deficient corpus luteum. Random cycles of normally menstruating women the cholesterol transport, which is the rate limiting step may be affected by it. It is suggested that sum of three midluteal levels taken between day 5 and day 9 after ovulation of In addition to the well recognized associations noted > 30 ng/ml has a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of previously various other conditions like 27 19 80%. Peak levels of progesterone is observed 68 days and inter and intra observer variability. Follicular phase estrogen and luteal phase estrogen inadequate ovarian hormone secretion or is delayed and progesterone cause characteristic endometrial because of an intrinsic endometrial abnormality, luteal response phase deficiency affects the normal implantation or early 4. When there is no difference in sporadic luteum failure and decrease in progesterone level appearance of out of phase endometrium in normal and infertile women. ClinEndocrinolMetabol 64:645, 1987 They are useful in controlled ovarian stimulation cycles 8. Br J ObstetGynaecol 91:685, 1984 this method is impractical, however, except in a research 11. The best means of estimating luteal phase breast cancer, indicates early onset of ovulatory function available to clinicians is three pooled mid luteal cycles. Hayashi M, Suginami H, Taii S, Mori T: Endocrine phase deficiency in normal and infertile women. The accuracy of single Prolactin hypersecretion and short luteal phase serum progesterone measurement in the diagnosis defects. The primary treatment of luteal phase 1978;23(3):2138 inadequacy: progesterone versus clomiphene citrate. Prevalence of out of phase 50 disorders of the human menstrual cycle: the short endometrial biopsy specimens. Hum Reprod 2002; 17: 228799 ovulation, conception and early pregnancy loss in 33. Problems in pregnancy in the treatment of infertility: an using basal body temperature recordings in an educational bulletin. Interobserver agreement in analysis of basal body temperature graphs from infertile women. Luteal phase defect: the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic methods in common clinical use. Three or more abortions consecutively within the period Immunological causes: the incidence is 2050%. Environmental causes Idiopathic (Almost 10%) Progesteronethe hormone for maintenance of ` Clinical characteristics are indicative of deficient pregnancy: progesterone production: Progesterone is very necessary for the occurrence and a. The preovulatory increase in the secretion of A growing body of considerable evidence indicates 17aestradiol (E2) promotes the proliferation and that in addition to women with luteal phase defects, differentiation of uterine epithelial cells. Then women with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage may the production of progesterone takes place benefit from progestogen treatment. Corpus luteum is the only source of progesterone during Clinical evidences: the luteal phase of the normal/routine menstrual cycle and in pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, production of progesterone from the corpus luteum Issue 2. Typical patient is subfertile or shows h/o of recurrent There is no evidence to support the routine use of pregnancy loss progestogens to prevent miscarriage in early to midpregnancy. However, there Conclusion: seems to be evidence of benefit in women with a history Progesterone has been used to support early of recurrent miscarriage. However, the studies so far conducted are mother or baby in the available evidence. Progesterone for recurrent Different formulations in different situations: miscarriage: truth and deceptions. What treatments prevent miscarriage after Nowadays better oral water soluble preparations recurrent pregnancy lossfi Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & 17 ahydroxy progesterone is administered as 250 Wilkins; 2007. Decreased (endometrium) to allow a fertilized egg (embryo) to endometrial receptivity is considered largely responsible implant. After that time, progesterone will be produced uterine contractility on the day of embryo transfer by the placenta throughout the rest of the pregnancy. A negative correlation between ovulation and either the establishment of a pregnancy or uterine contractility frequency and progesterone the onset of menses two weeks later.

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It should be noted treatment quad strain elocon 5g on line, however, that epidural, axillary, and intercostal nerve [1123] blocks lower serum potassium 0. Administration of [1122] epinephrine with the local anesthetic accounts for a proportion of this decline. In recent years, there has been pressure to reduce health care [1124][1125] costs by reverting to more widespread use of longacting neuromuscular blockers. It is appropriate to remember that the acquisition cost of anesthesia drugs is likely to amount to approximately 0. Focusing on only drug acquisition costs while trying to [1126] reduce health care costs is a simplistic view, and the impact of the choice of neuromuscular blocker on patient outcome must also be considered. However, price labeling, associated with education regarding the cost of medications in another study, did reduce the cost of acquisition of neuromuscular blockers by 12. The decrease in expenses for Page 115 Pharmacology of Muscle Relaxants and Their Antagonists neuromuscular blockers was accomplished by a 104% increase in the use of pancuronium. However, unless the educational programs are ongoing and the staff remains well [1130] motivated, cost savings from this type of practice modification are short lived. If a reduction in drug acquisition costs is to be considered an appropriate means of decreasing health care cost, anesthesiologists may look at their own practices. A yearlong survey was performed in one hospital for waste of six frequently used or expensive medications. These drugs included thiopental, succinylcholine, rocuronium, atracurium, midazolam, and propofol. The study demonstrated that the total cost of drugs drawn up but [1131] not administered amounted to more than $165, 000. In this practice, rocuronium and atracurium each accounted for 2% of the total expense. Although efficiency in the dosing of neuromuscular blockers can be improved, decreasing the amount of neuromuscular blockers drawn up and not administered to patients may not be a truly significant way to decrease health care costs. The adequacy of recovery of neuromuscular function is crucial because even minor degrees [53][54][563][565] of residual neuromuscular blockade have significant adverse effects. The [53] muscles of airway protection are very sensitive to residual block, and this predisposes [563] patients to pulmonary aspiration. The relative incidence of residual neuromuscular blockade in the postoperative period is greater with neuromuscular blockers that have a longer duration of action. In 1979, a study [58] by VibyMogensen and colleagues showed that the incidence of residual weakness in the recovery room was higher than 40%. With the introduction of vecuronium and atracurium, the incidence of residual weakness [59] declined significantly to less than 10%. Residual neuromuscular blockade caused by the administration of longacting nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers appears to predispose patients to a greater risk of [60] postoperative pulmonary complications. These complications constitute the greatest potential added expenses, and they accrue as a result of the choice of longacting [1132] neuromuscular blockers over shorteracting drugs. It is argued that the use of longacting neuromuscular blockers is without adverse effect if strict practice guidelines regarding their use and dosing are implemented and continuously [1133][1134] enforced. In this scenario, the use of intermediateacting relaxants may decrease the time to extubation of the trachea and the incidence of residual neuromuscular block. In the case of relaxant use for shorter surgical procedures, succinylcholine and mivacurium were found to be economically superior to all the other neuromuscular blockers for use during short operations when [1137] intense neuromuscular blockade was mandatory. However, once doses of neuromuscular blockers beyond the initial intubating dose are required, the cost of the use of mivacurium increases, and it becomes more expensive than intermediateacting [1138] neuromuscular blockers. On one side, there is evidence that drug acquisition costs for nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers can be decreased through physician education. On the other side is evidence suggesting that patients are placed at greater risk for complications associated with residual paralysis when [1139] longacting nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers are used. As described by Miller, any savings accrued by using longacting as opposed to the shorteracting neuromuscular blockers will be lost with the occurrence of a single adverse event as a result of residual neuromuscular blockade. Clinicians must constantly assess which neuromuscular blocking drug is best suited for their patients. Two different populations of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are found at the mammalian neuromuscular junction. In the adult, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor at the postsynaptic (muscular) membrane is composed of fi fifi2 ϵsubunits. The presynaptic (neuronal) nicotinic receptor is also a pentameric complex composed of fi fi3 2subunits. Nondepolarizing muscle relaxants produce neuromuscular blockade by competing with acetylcholine for the postsynaptic subunits. In contrast, succinylcholine produces prolonged depolarization that results in a decrease in sensitivity of the postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and inactivation of sodium channels so that propagation of the action potential across the muscle membrane is inhibited. Different forms of neuromuscular stimulation test for neuromuscular blockade at Page 117 Pharmacology of Muscle Relaxants and Their Antagonists different areas of the motor end plate. Depression of the response to singletwitch stimulation is probably due to blockade of postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, whereas fade in the response to tetanic and trainoffour stimuli results from blockade of presynaptic nicotinic receptors. It has a rapid onset of effect and an ultrashort duration of action because of its rapid hydrolysis by butyrylcholinesterase. The available nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers can be classified according to chemical class (steroidal, benzylisoquinolinium, or other compounds) or according to onset or duration of action (long, intermediate, and shortacting drugs) of equipotent doses. The speed of onset is inversely proportional to the potency of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs. Neuromuscular blockade develops faster, lasts a shorter time, and recovers more quickly in the more centrally located neuromuscular units (laryngeal adductors, diaphragm, and masseter muscle) than in the more peripherally located adductor pollicis. The longacting neuromuscular blockers undergo minimal or no metabolism, and they are primarily eliminated, largely unchanged, by renal excretion. Neuromuscular blockers of intermediate duration of action have a more rapid clearance than the long acting agents do because of multiple pathways of degradation, metabolism, and/or elimination. Mivacurium (a shortacting neuromuscular blocker) is cleared rapidly and almost exclusively by means of metabolism by butyrylcholinesterase. After the administration of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs, it is essential to ensure adequate return of normal neuromuscular function. Residual paralysis decreases upper esophageal tone, coordination of the esophageal musculature during swallowing, and the hypoxic ventilatory drive. Defects in ion channels (channelopathies) in the presynaptic (neuronal) or postsynaptic (muscular) membrane of the neuromuscular junction result in a wide spectrum of muscle diseases. Gyermek L: Structureactivity relationships among derivatives of dicarboxylic acid esters of tropine. Machold J, Weise C, Utkin Y, et al: the handedness of the subunit arrangement of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica. Villarroel A, Sakmann B: Calcium permeability increase of endplate channels in rat muscle during postnatal development. Grosman C, Zhou M, Auerbach A: Mapping the conformational wave of acetylcholine receptor channel gating. Prior C, Tian L, Dempster J, et al: Prejunctional actions of muscle relaxants: Synaptic vesicles and transmitter mobilization as sites of action. Wessler I, Diener A, Offermann M: Facilitatory and inhibitory muscarine receptors on the rat phrenic nerve: Effects of pirenzepine and dicyclomine. Starke K, Gothert M, Kilbinger H: Modulation of neurotransmitter release by presynaptic autoreceptors. Slutsky I, Wess J, Gomeza J, et al: Use of knockout mice reveals involvement of M2 muscarinic receptors in control of the kinetics of acetylcholine release. Naguib M: Are fade and sustained posttetanic facilitation characteristics of typical succinylcholineinduced blockfi. Donati F, Meistelman C, Plaud B: Vecuronium neuromuscular blockade at the adductor muscles of the larynx and adductor pollicis. Berg H, Roed J, VibyMogensen J, et al: Residual neuromuscular block is a risk factor for postoperative pulmonary complications. A prospective, randomised, and blinded study of postoperative pulmonary complications after atracurium, vecuronium and pancuronium. Bovet D: Some aspects of the relationship between chemical constitution and curarelike activity. VibyMogensen J: Correlation of succinylcholine duration of action with plasma cholinesterase activity in subjects with the genotypically normal enzyme. Lepage L, Schiele F, Gueguen R, et al: Total cholinesterase in plasma: Biological variations and reference limits. Baraka A: Hexafluoreniumsuxamethonium interaction in patients with normal versus atypical cholinesterase.


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This would include symptoms uric acid buy elocon from india, among many other places, San Diego, Las Vegas, Disney World in Orlando, New York, and Washington, D. As a whole, the cruise business does a good job anticipating the needs of travelers with disabilities, especially on the most modern sailing vessels. Your expert friend or travel agent should know a few basic tricks (see a list of tips from veteran wheelchair travelers, including those who use mechanical ventilation, page 221). If the plane has fewer than sixty seats, powerchair users may also be required to give a twoday notice. If you are worried about a long fight, consider using an indwelling catheter and leg bag. Airlines are not permitted to automatically require documentation for service animals other than for emotional support animals, but you may want to carry documentation from your physician or other licensed professional confrming your need for the service animal. Passengers with unusual service animals also may want to carry documentation confrming that their animal has been trained to perform a function or task for them. Also, regulations prohibit the use of passengerprovided oxygen equipment during flight. Airlines may try to seat you in one of their onesizefitsall wheelchairs at the gate. In the name of comfort and safety, insist that your personal equipment be brought forth. On the subject of missing baggage, here is another pro tip: Keep your meds, catheter supplies, etc. The airline industry in the United States must by law accommodate passen gers with disabilities. The compliance record for all airlines is not spotless, although it has been much improved in recent years. It may not be necessary to pack a copy of the Air Carrier Access Act (get a summary online at Agents should know to get their mobilityrestricted clients assigned to a bulkhead seat on the airplane; it is much easier to transfer in and out. In many cases, the agent has been there ahead of you with a tape measure and knows what to expect, including accessibility of shops, restaurants, and the hotel pool. No, unless you are on a stretcher or the air carrier cites a safety issue, which you should get in writing. Any public or private accommodation, including restaurants, hotels, stores, taxis, and airlines, must allow people with disabilities to bring their service animals with them wherever customers are normally allowed. If you use a power wheelchair there are more reasons for concern for the wellbeing of your equipment. Airlines prefer that you use gel or drycell batteries as opposed to the more common liquid (spillable, corrosive lead acid) ones. Be sure the handlers replace the regular vent caps before reconnecting the battery so dangerous pressure does not build up in the battery during later use. Some powerchair or scooter users remove their joystick controls and carry them on board. Not leaving anything to chance, a Maryland company makes protective molded containers for folding manual wheelchairs and for power wheelchairs and scooters. Tires: Check the air in your tires before leaving; consider packing a portable pump. Immunity: Boost your immune system; I swear by On Guard Essential Oil, a blend of wild orange, clove bud, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary. Compression socks: Good for circulation and for preventing leg swelling; helps the body stay warm in colder weather. Packing: A backpack is an essential carryon luggage item but is also a crucial daypack throughout the trip to hold water, clothing, souvenirs, etc. Gloves: these are a good idea to protect your hands along the sometimes bumpy, dirty road. Public restrooms: Sometimes fnding an accessible public restroom can be challenging; try looking for shopping centers, chain cofee shops, hotel lobbies, train/subway stations, airports, government buildings, banks, and fast food restaurants. As you are transferred to one of those skinny aisle chairs to get you to your seat (first to board, last to deplane), your chair will be tagged so the destination ground crew knows to bring it to the gate when the plane arrives. A lot of wheelchair users keep their seat cushion with them and use it on the plane. Bigger planes (more than thirty seats) must have movable armrests, so you can slide in easily. Once onboard, the travel experience is pretty much like that of everyone else, except for using the lavatories. Newer, twoaisle planes have accessible lavatories, as long as you can maneuver yourself in the little onboard chair or have an attendant standing by. Airlines cannot limit the amount of medical equipment that a passenger carries on to the airplane. Rental vans with a ramp or wheelchair lift and wheelchair tiedowns can be found in most major cities. Instruct airline employees on how to properly handle the wheelchair; the more explicit and simple you explain everything, the better.

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The parasitic disease Giardia (Paguna larvata) acute treatment elocon 5g cheap, raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procuyoinboides), was introduced to the Ugandan mountain gorilla, Gorilla gorilla and Chinese ferret badgers (Melogale moschata) (Bell at al. Genetic reassortment within a per these host transfer and emergence events not only affect eco son coinfected with human and avian strains of infiuenza virus system function, they could possibly result in a more virulent could potentially link the high transmissibility associated with form of a human pathogen circling back into the human popula humanadapted viruses with the high rates of mortality observed tion from a wildlife host and may also allow the development in the avian cases, thus triggering a potentially devastating pan demic (Ferguson et al. Recently a single gene coding for the viral haemagglutinin protein from the 1918 pandemic in 14. Such highly virulent Biodiversity change includes issues of species replacement, loss of recombinant viruses will continue to pose a threat through ag key predator species, and variation in species population density. This mutagenic potential of the mi acorns, whitefooted mice (Peromyscus leucopus), moths, deer, and crobe is exploited once selection pressure (through ecological ticks have linked defoliation by gypsy moths with the risk of change) is exerted on the microbe. Increasing species richness has been found to re replacement of mosquito vector species is exerting new evolu duce disease risk (Schmidt and Ostfeld 2001), and the involve tionary pressures on the virus. Animal Feed Habitat fragmentation also plays a part in disease emergence; Intensive animal production (both agriculture and aquaculture) mouse populations that are isolated in fragments seem to fiuctu has many impacts on ecosystems and human wellbeing. Such Therefore, habitat fragmentation causes a reduction in biodiver subtherapeutic levels exert selective pressure on the emergence of sity within the host communities, increasing disease risk though resistant bacteria. Livestock have also been granulocytic ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, plague, louping ill, tularemia, shown to be reservoirs of drugresistant Salmonella bacteria (Bu relapsing fever, Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, and LaCrosse sani et al. But over the last few decades several reports have been have prevented the latter from becoming established. Interface Recently compiled data show that vampire bats were the sec Chagas disease is a deadly disease transmitted by triatomine beetles ond most frequent species transmitting rabies to humans in Brazil in South and Central America. The niche and trophic relation (25% of all cases) in 1993, second only to dogs (Schneider and ships of these insects have direct epidemiological importance, and Burgoa 1995); this was also true previously in Mexico (Anony pesticide resistance is changing the ecology and transmission of mous 1991). In adaptations to houses and domestic areas seem to have taken rural areas, it has happened when animals such as cattle or pigs place, particularly for the Triatoma infestans beetle (Dujardin et al. Domiciliary adaptation generally Similar attacks can occur when wild vertebrates are reduced involves genetic simplification (Schofield 1994; Dujardin et al. For example, mas rial that may make triatomines highly susceptible to chemical con sive attacks by bats have occurred in the gold mining camps in the trol (Borges et al. Specific markers can differentiate by the noise produced by water pumps and airplanes (Uieda et al. For instance, scapes, with a consequent host shift and an increase in the likeli T. The Brazilian Amazon, where Chagas disease was al Nomadic Lifestyle, Land Cover Change, and Infectious ways considered endemic in wild animals, presently has at least 18 Diseases triatomine species reported, 10 of which are infected by Trypano Nomads often face a different spectrum of health problems than nonno soma cruzi, the deadly human form of the disease (Coura et al. Primary health care for nomads would have to be adapted to that are dispersed in feces. Continuous drought, for example, may force mammals have been reported to be infected with C. Becoming sedentary carries tions of humans were first reported in 1976 and have since been a major risk of mortality and infectious disease for nomadic populations reported from 90 countries. Cryptosporidium oocysts are Nomadic populations live in the semiarid regions of the African con very small (3 microns) and are difficult to remove from water; tinent or in the rain forest regions of Africa, South America, and Asia. Kalahari Bushmen microorganisms from source to treated drinking water (LeChe or Australian Aborigines would also be part of the hunters/collectors vallier and Norton 1995). In a survey of farms in the state of Pennsylvania, 64% returned For nomadic populations in the semiarid regions of Africa, water sup at least one bovine stool sample that was positive for C. All cattle had full in many land cover changes and is of course essential to health. Child access to water courses that could be contaminated with these mortality in the Sahel region of Africa was found to be higher, and parasites (Graczyk et al. Environmental factors such as land general access to health care was found to be limited. Infectious disease use, climate extremes, and inadequate water treatment are now prevalence in pastoralists differs from settled populations with a profile recognized as contributing factors in the spread of cryptospori that is directed toward diseases that have a reservoir in cattle, such as diosis (Rose et al. Major land cover changes like deforestation in the Central African basin increase contact between different populations. In tropical areas, the disease usually occurs as outbreaks during the rainy season, due to the fiooding of densely populated lowlying areas infested with domestic rats, 14. In Rio de Janeiro, for example, epidemics have always been associated with seasonal increases in rainfall (Roberts et al. New tools applied across these ecologically linked diseases will improve understand 14. Timeseries analysis, geographic information systems, and spatial Infectious Diseases analysis (which encompass a range of technologies and ap Malnutrition, as a consequence of environmental degradation, has proaches, including digital mapping, analysis of remotely sensed a huge global impact on morbidity and mortality due to infectious imagery, spatial statistics, ecological niche modeling, and the use diseases. For children under five years of age in the developing of global positioning systems), for example, have proved useful in world, being underweight equates to about half the mortality risk studying diseases emerging from land use change. These relatively low cost and easytouse data sources information (such as topography, climate, and vegetation), epide have become familiar to public health services in Africa. For ex miological and spatial risk stratification can be achieved from data ample, environmental data indicating areas at risk of malaria epi on the location of vectors or pathogens. References indoor resting Anopheles subpictus Grassi in a new irrigation project in Sri Lanka. The zoonotic importance of mycobacterium tuberculosis: a potential threat Appawu, M. Garcia, 1980: Incidencia del murcielagofi hematofagofi and intensity in communities served by irrigation systems in the Upper East Desmodus rotundus sobre los indfigenas Yanomami de Venezuela, Donana, fi Acta Region of Ghana. Bissan, 1990: Progress in controlling the reinvasion of windborne vectors pala, L. Rathnayake, 1992: Malaria transmission by into the western area of the onchocerciasis control program in WestAfrica. Africa and their significance in malaria epidemiology and control, Bull World Beck, L. Responsible sexu ality and highlevel sexual health contribute or Female to the fullest possible functioning of body, mind, spirit, and social relationships. In turn, other Physiological maleness or femaleness, or biolog aspects of health enhance our sexuality. Here ical sex, is indicated by the sex chromosomes, are some examples: hormonal balance, and genital anatomy. As described in Chapter 11, der refers to the psychological and sociological, safer sex practices reduce the risk of sexu as well as the physical, aspects of being male or ally transmitted infections that can threaten female. You are born with a certain sexual identity sexual health, physical health, and even based on your sexual anatomy and appearance; survival. When our bodies are healthy and you, your parents, and society mold your gender well, we feel better about how we look and identity. By acknowledging and respect Biologically, few absolute differences separate ing the intimacy of a sexual relationship, the sexes: Males alone can make sperm and con responsible sexuality builds trust and com tribute the chromosome that causes embryos to mitment. When our emotional health is high, develop as males; females alone are born with sex we can better understand and cope with the cells (eggs, or ova), menstruate, give birth, and complex feelings related to being sexual. Only after several Having strong friendships, intimate relation weeks do the sex organs differentiate, becoming ships, and caring partnerships enables us to either male or female gonads (testes or ovaries), explore our sexuality in safe and healthy ways. This initial differen sexual health the integration ships involve a meeting of minds as well tiation process depends on genetic instructions of the physical, emotional, as bodies. Highlevel intellectual health intellectual, social, and spiritual in the form of the sex chromosomes, referred enables us to acquire and understand sexual aspects of sexual being in ways to as X and Y. If a Y (or male) chromosome is that are positively enriching information, analyze it critically, and make present in the embryo, about seven weeks after and that enhance personality, healthy sexual decisions.

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Learning does not actually happen until your child gets out there and learns for him self: fiOh medicine education purchase elocon without a prescription, I get it! That is when I began to ask fiIf I do not stutter at all under certain circumstances, then what is the nature of stutteringfi Because it made me feel utterly foolish to spend the enormous amount of energy and money on curing my stuttering when there was even a possibility that I myself had created the blocks. When we create images that are wrong or exaggerated or magnified beyond recognition and mentally hold on to those images regardless of facts, we create chaos and fear. My conscious mind (intention, will, imagination) is like a dam which my mind constructs across the river. If the dam that blocks the flow is an imaginary dam (it is), then we are no longer afraid. If it is imaginary, I am no longer afraid because resistance to the flow (the dam) is manageable. It is as if fearful Little Me was cringing in the dark corner of the room, shaking with fright. I can stop spending time and money getting rid of blocks because I have created the blocks all by myself. Even miracle workers and healers say they are unable to do mighty works when there is firesistancefi (the Greek word is fiUnbe lief. Instead of my mind blocking my speech, I took charge of the mountain my mind constructed by talking to my mountain. This mountain starts out by talking to us, blaming us, pushing us to the brink, humiliating us. Stuttering was my mountain and it said things to me like fiYou need to know what you are going to say before you say it. Because nasty attitudes and constant chattering siphons off energy from Resolve or Intent. We could do anything we wanted to do except for one thing: something we call resis tance. Then resistanceintheformof Thought comes and whispers in my ear: fiyou can stop eating sugar tomorrow not today. My blocks were sourced in wrong beliefs, obsessing about stuttering, imagination and wrong ways of looking at speech. I learned a lot about my blocks when I attacked them headon by talking directly to them. I learned that my Censor has loads of ammunition to use against what it believes are fiattacks. For example, I may get almost to the point of uncovering my block and I suddenly grow sleepy. I noticed, time after time, that I could be very near to discovering what I was holding back as I wrote out the discussion between Big Me and Little Me (Creator and Critic) and sud denly I would become very sleepy. This happened many times until I recognized that sudden sleepiness was a sign I was hiding what I was holding back. For a few moments I would turn away from my conversation about my block and simply state the fact that I was feeling very tired. When I wrote about tiredness, suddenly I would feel a new surge of energy and find the hidden belief or manufactured block in a few minutes. You are a river, alive, improvisational, intuitive, with associative creative intelligence. You are form and style and excitement; you learn by doing; learn to write by writing; learn to create through creating, can bring forth new life out of any set of circumstances. When you talk, this resistant part of you (thinking, imagining, rationalization, wrong beliefs) interferes with the flowing river. I wrote out little promises like fiIf you will reveal the block, I will throw out the words you put on paper since you seem not to want others to know. Big Me also had to teach Little Me to go with the flow, to write without judging, criticism or offering opinions. I believed at that time, please remember, in the great curative value of will and willpower. Just push a little harderfi and I do that and finally spit a word out, then find myself actual ly grateful to willpower (who actually caused the problem in the first place. In other words blocks in my un derstanding presented themselves to me as blocks in my speech. No one can tell you to stop believing this or start believing that, because belief cannot be commanded. What I believed about stuttering had a little to do with experts and authorities, but it had more to do with my own logic that figured things out. Okay, I know the clinical explanations of how behaviors and beliefs get stronger and stronger. I often remember times in my past by remembering how I was looking at things at that particular time. One of the most dangerous beliefs and the one that will prevent observation and questioning is this belief: Beliefs are sacred. I used to tiptoe through those be liefs until the day I realized fiThere is nothing sacred about beliefs. I was a Pragmatist who was confident that beliefs were true or not, depending on whether they worked or failed. I found that the answer to the question: fiIs it possible to change the very structure of our brainfi I have spoken with numerous people who stutter very badly who will stand there and tell me that they believe in the stuttering course they are now engaged in, or they believe that stuttering is caused by brain damage or genetics, or stuttering is caused from not trying hard enough or from inability to plan well enough. The benchmark I use is: fiYou do not stutter when you are alone or when you sing so how can it be true that you can improve your fluency by (fill in the blank practicing or planning or speaking to a metronome, etcfi An example of using the benchmark to check my beliefs: I began to feel guilty for stuttering and doing everything I could to hide my stuttering. I was thinking how easy it would be to stop stammering if I just tried hard enough. How many people have I known who believe we can do anything we want to do if we only want to badly enough or if we only try hard enough. When anyone believes such statements, those beliefs are always accompanied with shame. If I could stop stammering by trying harder, I would have already stopped stammering. This is the benchmark you must continually return to in order to recognize that stuttering is not physical. This lady is a professional and we are paying her a lot of money, so she has to be right.